Next time I’m taking hamburger buns……………

Jay Lloyd, home inspector with All Pro Inspection Services in Cape Coral, FloridaThis post is dedicated to Jay Lloyd, a home inspector and owner of All Pro Home Inspection Service in Clayton, Ohio. I have known Jay for about five years through the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors and a real estate professional social networking site. I highly recommend Jay for anyone need home inspection services in the Cape Coral area.

Dedications are my way of trying to provide a little extra Google juice for people I have come to know and respect over the years.

Picture of the moment

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This time of year when the sun is shining, the temperature is in the high 70s and low 80s with no humidity, and the wildlife are doing what wildlife often do this time of year, I like to go over to Lake Murray about a mile from me and feed the ground squirrels, of which there are a few billion:

Ground squirrel den

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Ground squirrel

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Ground squirrels

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After finding where the greatest concentration of ground squirrels were, I set out to feed as many as possible:

Ground squirrel munching down at Lake Murray in La Mesa, California

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Ground squirrel munching down at Lake Murray in La Mesa, California

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Ground squirrel munching down at Lake Murray in La Mesa, California

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Ground squirrel munching down at Lake Murray in La Mesa, California

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The squirrels thought I was the greatest person on Earth…..

….well, except for one squirrel.

A little six-year-old boy with his mom came by and immediately this squirrel thought that little boy was the greatest person on Earth:

Ground squirrel munching down at Lake Murray in La Mesa, California

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Ground squirrel munching down at Lake Murray in La Mesa, California

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He with his biscuits certainly showed me up with my bread crumbs. Next time I’m taking hamburger buns…………..

Lake Murray:

Lake Murray

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This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

4 thoughts on “Next time I’m taking hamburger buns……………

  1. victoriaaphotography

    Wonderful photos. How exciting to see these little critters up close (or did you have a telephoto zoom in). I love these intimate photos of little creatures going about their daily life.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      My daily walkaround lens is a 55-250mm Canon lens, and that’s what I used for these pictures. These squirrels are so friendly, though, that they will come right up to you, closer than my 55-250 will focus. All of these were probably about seven or eight feet from me.



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