Emperor penguin

Google has won me over with its translator!

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Did you know?

I dislike liking something that I haven’t read. So when I’m camping out in a blog where there are lots of long posts that I want to read, I’ll often read them all first and then go back through real quickly and like all of them.

Kingsville, TexasThe reading problem is exacerbated when the blog is in a foreign language. I’m not good at foreign languages.

In fact, at Henrietta M. King High School in Kingsville, Texas (see map at right), I made my only two non-A’s in Spanish; my high school required that we take two semesters of a foreign language.

At Texas A&M University, my major required me to take two semesters of computer science, another foreign language. I made two C’s…. barely. In the second semester I had an F going into the final. This was back in the card punch days. My final exam was to write a program in COBOL that would spit out the initial of my last name. I spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday — 72 hours — in the Computer Science Center trying…. no luck. On Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. for an 8:00 a.m. class, I simply sat down and used comment cards to create the initial. I knew I was going to get an F, but I had fun.

When I went to see my grade, there was a note next to my name: “See Professor.” Ooopsie.

I went to see the Professor only to find that I had an A on the final and a C in the course! Yahooooooooooooo! He said that comment cards weren’t programming but he liked my ingenuity since no one had ever done that before. Reminds me of the Star Trek movie (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and 2009’s Star Trek) where Captain Kirk defeats the Kobayashi Maru test by re-programming it.

This all brings me back to those foreign-language posts. I just discovered the Google Translator. It’s awesome! And fast! Just go to translate.google.com and enter the URL of the blog post you want to translate and — voilà! — just seconds later you’re reading in English…. or any other language!

I feel like an emperor!

Emperor penguin

This post approved byThis post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

15 thoughts on “Google has won me over with its translator!

  1. munchow

    I have discovered googles translate, too, and it’s awesome. It’s doesn’t get it all right, but just enough for you to get the meaning. So here is a little test: Nå skriver jeg på norsk, og håper at google får til å oversette denne lille teksten. Herlig pingvin-bilde forresten!


  2. victoriaaphotography

    Great shot of the penguin, Russel.

    Thanks for the tip on the Google Translator – I had a bit of a problem earlier last year with a couple of foreigh language blogs about photography, but not now.

    There are times when I don’t have the time, energy or brain function to write comments on blogs, so I press the ‘like’ button to let bloggers (which I follow regularly), know I have still taken the time to read their post. So, for me, it’s my way of saying I’ve read it (& more often than not, enjoyed it also).

    I certainly appreciate when people take the time to make nice comments on my blog, but I DO understand that some people have very busy lives – working and social commitments.


  3. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words

    LOLs My friend from Belgium showed it to me yesterday,
    but some of the words/phrases I use being froms Texas don;t rranslate so well in French LOLs


  4. Waldo "Wally" Tomosky

    Great post. And your creativity regarding the “comment cards” was super. You deserved an “A” for coming up with the idea. Good professor also for encouraging creativity. Now I will have to try the translator.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Throughout my life I’ve found that if you work with professors, teachers, mentors, etc., they often will work with you.

      I always went to class, talked with my professors, etc.. They knew me, even if I wasn’t their top student.


  5. jazfagan

    I luv luv luv this post Russel….and BTW you are an emperor! Peace Jaz…BTW thanx for camping out on my blog…I try to keep everything short and sweet, and in English LOL


  6. wannabephotographer87

    HAHAHA Great story, it made me laugh and also made me thankful I never went to college lol! Just kidding 😛 My husband majored in computer science, I respect anyone who can do it! That is a good tip on the translator and a great photo! HAHA! Thanks 😀



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