Park bench

Sit Stay Heal

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Out & About San Diego


I see benches everywhere but no one sitting on them. Even at the bus stops, people won’t sit on the benches, for some reason preferring to stand.

1 – Wagon benchWagon bench


2 – Old Town San Diego benchWagon bench


3 – Back yard benchBack yard seating


4 – Park bench at SeaWorld San DiegoPark bench


5 – Tijuana River Estuary benchPark bench


6 – Park bench on Catalina IslandPark bench


7 – Park bench at the San Diego Zoo’s Safari ParkPark bench


8 – Bench at San Diego Botanic GardenPark bench and light pole


9 – Bench at San Diego Botanic GardenPark bench


10 – Park bench on Catalina IslandPark bench and trash can


11 – Bench at Cuyamaca Water Conservation GardenPark bench


12 – Bus stop bench at 70th Street StationBus stop bench


13 – Hotel bench near the San Diego Convention CenterHotel bench


Maybe my next set of bench pictures will require a tripod and camera remote control, to be titled “Self portraits on benches.” Or something like that.


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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

6 thoughts on “Sit Stay Heal

  1. Judy kriehn

    Unless I’m walking somewhere, I take full advantage of seating opportunities.
    The bench(es) you’ve not photographed but are ALWAYS in use are the ones in courthouse hallways when a jury pool is waiting to be called inside. There are NEVER enough places to sit…


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I think I’ve been fortunate that the only time I was called to jury duty was when I was a senior at Texas A&M. Conflict with classes got me out of that. Since then, no one wants me. 😦


  2. wannabephotographer87

    I love these photos! I’ve always wanted to take pictures of empty benches like that, but here in Oregon, everyone is sitting and enjoying the views! AHAHA! I never get a chance to take any of empty ones, we are all lazy here and like to sit lol!



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