Bakka and Miley, cheetah and dog, at the San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo — Bakka & Miley, BFF

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

San Diego Zoo logo


I’m back with another series: San Diego Zoo.

There’s just too much at the San Diego Zoo and its sister Safari Park not to have a series, especially since there are thousands of animals and thousands of plants. This way, regardless of whether I feature animals or plants, you’ll always know that I saw them at the Zoo.

For my first post in this series, I thought I would feature Bakka and Miley. Bakka is a male cheetah born in April 2008 and is an Ambassador for the Zoo, meaning that he gets to go to schools, conventions, shows, and the like. Bakka is always accompanied by Miley, his buddy. Miley is a female husky-mix — yes, a dog — born in January 2008.

Bakka and Miley have been raised together so they have no idea that they are supposed to be aggressive towards each other, probably with Bakka winning.

Here’s Bakka and Miley together:

Bakka and Miley, cheetah and dog, at the San Diego Zoo


Miley was barking and wanting to play, but Bakka was not in the playing mood, and eventually gave Miley a few slaps to the forehead, visible in this picture:

Miley from the San Diego Zoo


Interesting household in that the male (cheetah) rules over the female (dog). lol

Two pictures of Bakka:

Bakka, cheetah ambassador of the San Diego Zoo


Bakka, cheetah ambassador of the San Diego Zoo


For a couple of hours, usually each day, the San Diego Zoo cheetah and wolf Ambassadors, and their best buddy dogs, are featured in a special Ambassador exhibit area. See the San Diego Zoo map; look for the Urban Jungle just right of front center, and the Ambassadors will be at the northeast in Urban Jungle.

San Diego Zoo location:

San Diego Zoo map

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This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

11 thoughts on “San Diego Zoo — Bakka & Miley, BFF

  1. victoriaaphotography

    Great images, Russel. Fascinating idea of raising a dog and cheetah together. I’m sure we don’t have pairings like that at our zoo (not that I’ve seen, anyway).



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