Roof adornments

Roof adornments for most guys and lesbians (hey, we don’t discriminate here!)

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture of the moment


When I was growing up my wise old grandmother used to tell me, “April showers bring May flowers.” That might be true for Kingsville, Texas. Here in San Diego, however, December showers bring January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November flowers.

Sometimes things don’t work out quite right. I don’t know what the rainfall total here was for April 2012, but it was the wettest I can remember in the eighteen years I’ve been here.

Those April showers didn’t do anything for our May Gray, a time when the marine layer of clouds hangs over the County sometimes well into the afternoon. Same with June, except we call it June Gloom.

I was over on the campus of San Diego State University this afternoon as the sun came out. Being the good home inspector I am, I’m always looking around for interesting homes that I can take pictures of to use in my real estate blog.

Over on the edge of campus, where most of the sorority and fraternity houses are, I saw the following roof adornments and just had to take a couple of pictures:

Roof adornments


Roof adornments


As a home inspector, I cannot condone getting on your roof unless it was designed for that purpose, as some roofs in our beach communities are in order to take advantage of the ocean views.

I also noticed as I took my two pictures that lots of other folks were taking pictures too. Probably for posterity to show how hard they studied in college. 🙂


This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County? I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor with Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re just looking for a home inspector,
I can highly recommend Russel Ray; that’s me!

5 thoughts on “Roof adornments for most guys and lesbians (hey, we don’t discriminate here!)

  1. Sharon Lord

    With a title like that, how could I *not* read it! Heh!

    I know SD is a bit land-locked, but I have to think that there’s better places to catch some rays….you have a beach or something, right….? 😉



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