Blooming African violet

She’s as pretty as a flower

Picture of the moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

If you missed my excitement about my little African violet, you can find it right here.


Blooming African violet

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I’m pretty happy but Zoey the Cool Cat is not excited. She did, however, approve this post:

Me: “Zoey the Cool Cat, will you approve this post?”

ZCC: “Sure,” she says as she continues to gaze out the window with her tail swishing back and forth at 100 mph.

Me: “ZCC, I need your approval.”

ZCC: “Just publish it and leave me alone! I’m busy stalking birds on the other side of this darn glass.”

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

21 thoughts on “She’s as pretty as a flower

  1. Carol

    There was a time, a brief time about a hundred years ago, when I had great success with African Violets. That time passed, unfortunately, and now I have little opportunity to enjoy their beauty, so I thank you for giving me that chance. As to Zooey, I positively love her and her opinions, being as much cat as they are and so similar to what I get from my Twiggy and Lily here at home.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      She’s annoyed with the glass because it prevents her from getting to the mourning doves, hummingbirds, house finches……… Those big, fat mourning doves really drive her crazy.


        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          She was 100% when I got her four years ago. However, I like to go out to my back patio and sit, read, garden, watch the sun go down………… She would sit at the screen door and howl, so for the last year or so I’ve been letting her on the patio but training her to stay only in certain areas, like on chairs or the bench. I don’t want her digging around in the garden, chasing falling pine needles or flying bugs and birds, and all the things that cats like to do. She is becoming accustomed to simply lying on a seat cushion and enjoying the warm sunshine. So I guess she’s 97.2891847284482101% indoor now.


  2. irfriske

    Cool, your flowers, your cat, ya’lls conversation, and you! (the ya’lls is to allow a Texas savoring, remembering, or rejoicing cause you are no longer here!)



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