I want one!

Out & About San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I have been playing chess since I was 13. I played competitively throughout high school and colllege but quit that route after I realized that I needed to pay the apartment rent, buy food and clothes, pay the cooling bill (I lived in Houston), and, maybe, buy my first car (a used 1976 Chevrolet Impala with 4,632 miles on it; yes, I have records)……….. little things like that.

Just before I started blogging in 2007, I spent most of my free time playing chess at Game Knot, my favorite chess site…. There are online tournaments, puzzles, forums…. everything a chess enthusiast could want, except, perhaps, actual people sitting across the chessboard from you.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I stumbled upon a chess table at the San Diego County Fair:

Mountain Lake Chess Club at the San Diego County Fair

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

See the little guy in the picture? Here he is:

Chess-playing child at the San Diego County Fair

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

How nice to see a young child playing with something other than an iPod or iPad…….. just saying.

I watched him for about 30 minutes — he’s good. Real good. I wanted to play him but then I realized that I was at the Fair to, uh, see the Fair, not to play chess. That realization allowed me to leave with my ego intact.

There was even a larger chess set for those who don’t like to sit around:

Chess set at the San Diego County Fair

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Over in the succulent garden, however, I found my BFF chess set:

Succulent chess set at the San Diego County Fair

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Succulent chess set at the San Diego County Fair

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

26 thoughts on “I want one!

  1. artzent

    Ok, Does my computer have a glitch where Zoey the cat’s ID is up side down or is there something more sinister going on here? My second daughter used to play chess with my youngest son. When she saw that she could not win the game she would just reach out and turn the chess board up side down sending my son into uncontrolable laughter. Both were good chess players and I’ll bet that you are too!


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      My brother, two years older, used to do that to me. What he didn’t understand was that I loved chess and was playing competitively. He thought that he should be able to win simply because he was two years older.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Each day I play around in CorelDRAW. It’s a fascinating program. Zoey the Cool Cat’s approval posts are done in CorelDRAW and I always try to do something different with each approval graphic, not that I always to. Sometimes work gets in the way of play for the day.


  2. seapunk2

    Great post. Nice focus, too. Oh, and Zoey? Thanks for the practice at using the other side of my brain. ;P
    I taught all four of my kids to play chess. We started with pawns and the King and Queen. I like the game and will still play with the computer online every once in a while. Question is –
    do you play cribbage, Russel Ray? hint, hint….


  3. magsx2

    How wonderful to see the young boy playing chess, and what a great variety of chess boards as well, I just love the last one, that is incredible. 🙂


  4. firstandfabulous

    Little Guy looks serious. I wouldn’t fool with him. Loosing to someone that was probably born when I turned half a century would be embarrassing! Good move, moving on to Fair Gazing. 🙂


  5. rommel

    Cool find, Russel.
    The little guy is winning… he’s ahead with one pawn. Hehe
    Those chess plants ain’t gonna last. The pawn plants might go faster than the queen and king. 😀



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