Dancing with the birds

Dancing with the….. uh, birds?

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Contrary to what it looks like, these two are not dancing:

Dancing with the birds

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Instead, I was out early one morning taking pictures of birds. I couldn’t get anything better than a butt picture. I would walk towards the birds, hoping they would fly off left or right. But nooooooooooooooooo! They turn around and take off directly away from me, providing me with great pictures of bird butts.

Solution? A young kid and his mom were also walking around the lake. I talked to mom and asked if it was okay if said kid walked around behind the birds and then kind of walked the birds towards me. Kid was happy as a lark, so to speak. I gave mom $5 for said kid’s manual labor. Hmmm. Wait! $5 for 10 minutes. Wow! I’m in the wrong profession!

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

18 thoughts on “Dancing with the….. uh, birds?

  1. bulldogsturf

    Now that was a good plan… I’ve also got a lot of bird photos of butts and nothing else… will have to find me one of those expensive labourers to assit me to get a great shot like this… love it…


  2. Lisa at fLVE

    That’s a great photo. So I have plenty of pictures of dog butts. It seems that they are all camera shy. I would be playing with them and everything’s fine and then, I flash my camera, and suddenly, the dog would turn around. Lol.


  3. victoriaaphotography

    Lovely shot.
    (at that rate of pay, I might jump on a plane and come over to work for you – that sounds like an easy way to make some pocket money).


  4. Carol

    How old was this kid? I’m thinking an ice cream cone would have worked, and would have been cheaper. Or would it? Been a long time since I’ve bought one.


  5. sherijkennedyriverside

    Great photo! It’s funny all the tricks you learn when you try to photo wild things. That one was very clever. 🙂 My brother and I have a joke about duck butts as one of his photo site followers complemented his duck photos and said all they ever get is duck butts. Sometimes when we go birding/on photo shoots we split up for awhile. When we reconnect, we check in on what we got. if one of our timings was off that day it goes, ‘How’d ya do?’ ‘Duck butts’. *Shared uproarious laugher* 🙂



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