Monthly Archives: August 2012

50 shades of gray for men

WARNING: Erotica for men only

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Fifty shades of gray for men:

50 shades of gray for men

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

This week’s visit to SeaWorld San Diego

Out & About

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

A selection of pictures from this week’s trip to SeaWorld San Diego.

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

SeaWorld San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bud light

Who drank the Bud Light?

Out & About

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

When I was in high school in Kingsville, Texas, the group I hung out with sometimes went to the city cemetery…. At night! I occasionally went with them. I quit going to cemeteries sometime in the mid-1970s, until recently.

San Diego doesn’t appear to have a lot of cemeteries, certainly not like my home state of Texas and other states throughout the Bible Belt South. However, there are three huge cemeteries right next to each other that I drive by a few times each week since they are near freeways and stores that I visit regularly. I finally stopped by earlier this year and found them interesting. I walked around looking for the oldest date on a headstone but actually found the headstones themselves to be even more fascinating. Following is a selection.

Picture 1 — That really was his name?Otto B. Good

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 2 — Words of advice for Alice or from Alice?Do good and be kind

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 3 — Who drank the Bud Light?Bud light

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 4 — Wonder if he wrote a book.Perkins

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 5 — A beautiful poem for those who believe in GodAsimovic

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 6 — I’m not quite ready to follow.Follow me

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 7 — I wanna see the rose!The rose still blooms

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 8 — Another beautiful poemDreamless at last

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 9 — Whatever’s rightWhatever's right

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 10 — All bases coveredAll bases covered

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

All bases covered

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 11 — The cowboy evangelist will ride againI will ride again

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos


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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Frame those birds, baby, frame those birds

How I Did It

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I like to frame my pictures but the framing function (border) at WordPress is lacking, at best.

I used to use Corel PaintShop Pro X4 and CorelDRAW! X6 to do frames. In fact, Zoey the Cool Cat’s stamp of approval in each post is done in CorelDRAW! X6.

My focus over the past few months has been on Adobe Photoshop CS6, so I was extremely happy recently to find the various framing functions. Many of the frames can be done with Actions, or you can do your own frame and set up your own Action. Actions are macros, or scripts, that allow you to do the same thing over and over again, very quickly.

Following are some recent pictures of birds at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park which were framed in Photoshop CS6.

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Bird picture framed in Photoshop CS6

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

A Geek 2 To

Great customer service doesn’t come from India


Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Whenever I need something beyond groceries, gasoline, and other daily needs, I like to do a lot of searching to find the best person or company to meet my needs. I don’t shop by price, reserving that tactic for groceries, gasoline, and other daily needs.

In the early morning hours of September 1, 2011, I had a serious computer problem. Not a great time to be having such problems because so many businesses close for holidays. I knew that if I didn’t get my problem resolved on Thursday or Friday, it was highly likely that it wouldn’t be resolved until the following Tuesday. I might have to spend four or five days not blogging. That would be devastating….

I resorted to a Google search for “San Diego mobile computer repair.” I called the first person in the returns, but he couldn’t come out until Friday morning at 8:30. I really wanted someone on Thursday afternoon, or even Thursday evening.

I called the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh……….. companies. None of them could come out until Tuesday after Labor Day. Sounds like some people wanted the weekend off.

I returned to #1 and asked if 8:30 on Friday morning was still open. It was. How lucky for me.

A Geek 2 ToThat #1 company was aGeek2Go.

My Geek, Nick, arrived a few minutes earlier than 8:30. After just an hour of testing things, he determined that it was the power supply. Unfortunately, I had a mini-tower computer, and power supplies for my brand weren’t available. However, Nick found one on the Internet for just a few hundred dollars. Add in shipping and installation, and the cost would be more than a brand new computer. I guess you know what I did.

Because of my description of how my computer failed, Nick thought that the hard drive might also be damaged. While I was buying a new computer and setting it up, Nick took my hard drive back to his office to recover a life-critical file. He emailed it to me that afternoon. Too bad I gave him the wrong file name; I was now on life support.

On Saturday morning Nick brought my hard drive back, set up so that I could use it as an external hard drive. All my files were there, including the critical one. The fact that I had no idea what the file name was makes a good case for doing things manually. My computers are so automated that I don’t remember file names like in the olden days. I just click on little icons and everything runs automatically.

Working geekaGeek2Go‘s price was reasonable, and Nick was the ultimate professional; knowledgeable, personable, and helpful. To get all three in any one individual, especially here in Southern California where so many people are of the ME generation, was an unexpected surprise and pleasure.. So thanks, Nick! Here’s to you!

If any local readers need quick computer repair at reasonable prices, I can highly recommend aGeek2Go, in case you don’t have one in the family.

If you’re looking for a web site host, they run eMaginable. Dollar-for-dollar, feature-for-feature, you’ll find the Web’s best hosting plans at eMaginable. Their plans aren’t cheap, they’re affordable. Big difference! All of their state-of-the-art hosting plans come complete with FREE 24/7 technical support.

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

San Diego, California

A beautiful weather phenomenon

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I went downtown for a late afternoon walk which turned into a late afternoon/early evening walk. As my walk was ending, some sort of weather phoenomenon struck downtown San Diego and gave me this:

San Diego, California

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

That ranks as one of the more beautiful weather phenomenons I’ve ever seen, and I have absolutely no clue what caused it.

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Little Italy, San Diego

Christmas is just around the corner

I livew in my own little world

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I don’t celebrate Christmas in a traditional way, i.e., with presents and all the to do over someone who died a couple of thousand years ago. That just seems strange to me. However, since about one-sixth of the world and probably 90% of America closes down on Christmas Day, I have little choice but to close down with it. That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to try to stay open.

Christmas tradition in my family over the past 18 years means a trip to the San Diego Zoo and finding somewhere to eat so I don’t have to cook. The first is easy since the Zoo is always open on Christmas day. The second is a little more difficult.

If you’re in San Diego on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day and are looking for fine dining, I can highly recommend the Little Italy area of San Diego.

Little Italy, San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Little Italy, San Diego

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I’ve have been to Little Italy on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day for the past three years. Considering that Italy arguably is the most Christian country in the world, I think it’s kind of funny that Little Italy here is always open and doing great business on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Nonetheless, I can highly recommend it for Christmas, or any other day of the year, too!

Little Italy, San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Little Italy, San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Little Italy, San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Little Italy, San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Foot fetish

WARNING: Do not look if you have a foot fetish

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

The person who can name all the feet here gets an “Attaboy” unless the person is a girl, and then it will be an “Attagirl.”

Picture 1Foot fetish

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 2Foot fetish

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Picture 3Foot fetish

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Picture 4Foot fetish

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Picture 5Foot fetish

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Picture 6Foot fetish

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Picture 7Foot fetish

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Picture 8Foot fetish

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Picture 9Foot fetish

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Picture 10Foot fetish

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Picture 11Foot fetish

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Fred, resident of Old Town San Diego

Meet Fred

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I met Fred in Old Town San Diego and would like you to meet him, too.

Fred, resident of Old Town San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Old Town San Diego State Historic Park

Old Town San Diego State Historic Park

Out & About

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

One of California’s most-visted state parks is right here in San Diego:

Old Town San Diego State Historic Park

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Old Town San Diego

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Old Town San Diego State Historic ParkOld Town San Diego actually was the most-visited State Park in 2005 and 2006. Regretfully that wasn’t good enough for the State, so they fired Diane Powers, the woman who had run the commercial side of the park for thirty years, making it a great place to visit, stroll, eat, enjoy….

Control of the commercial enterprises was handed over to Delaware North, located in — you guessed it — Delaware. How a company in Delaware was going to manage a southwestern park 2,800 miles away was beyond the comprehension of most of us. Indeed, Delaware North failed. The number of visitors and revenue both plunged, eventually causing Delaware North to quit. Sadly, the damage was done, and Old Town San Diego is a mere shell of its former self. I used to go monthly. Now I go maybe once a year simply to see if it’s still there.

Located in the Park are many historic structures saved from the wrecking ball, two of the most significant of which are:

  • Casa de EstudilloCasa de Estudillo — An adobe house built in 1827 and one of the oldest surviving examples of Spanish architecture. It is listed as a California Historic Landmark (#53) and a National Historic Landmark.
  • Whaley House — Over the years the Whaley House served not only as the home of Thomas Whaley but also as San Diego’s second county courthouse and the first commercial theater. It was built in 1857 in the Greek Revival style. It also is haunted, designated as an official Haunted House by the United States Commerce Department in the 1960s. The Travel Channel show, America’s Most Haunted, named it the number one most haunted. The site was a gallows before Thomas Whaley purchased it, and the first ghost to be reported was the ghost of James “Yankee Jim” Robinson who was hanged in 1852.

Additional structures include the first San Diego courthouse; the first public school house; and a general store, newspaper office and print shop, and stables, all from the mid-19th century. There are several other historic buildings, gift shorts, restaurants, and local events. Give Old Town San Diego a try if you’ve never been there.

Casa de Estudillo

Casa de Estudillo

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

First San Diego Courthouse

First San Diego Courthouse

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Ye Olde Soap Shoppe

Ye Olde Soap Shoppe

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McCoy House, Old Town San Diego

McCoy House

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Fiesta de Reyes

Fiesta de Reyes

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Old Town San Diego

Old Town San Diego

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

First San Diego public schoolhouse

First San Diego public schoolhouse

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Cosmopolitan Hotel

Cosmopolitan Hotel

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Whaley House

Whaley House

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Looking for real estate services in San Diego County?
I can highly recommend
James Frimmer, Realtor
Century 21 Award, DRE #01458572

If you’re looking for a home inspector,
I recommend Russel Ray — that’s me!Real Estate Solutions

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos