Seagull searching the trashcan

I love seagulls

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I never get tired of watching seagulls.

Seagull searching the trashcan

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Seagull searching the trashcan

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Seagull searching the trashcan

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Seagull searching the trashcan

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

The third picture is my favorite, so I thought I would do a painting of it:

Seagull at the trash can

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

20 thoughts on “I love seagulls

  1. Mondrak

    Seagulls are great. I have a “Seagull of the month” on my blog. I try to get at least one great photo a month. They are beautiful creatures, and it is humanity that turned them into scavengers


  2. LBcruiseshipblogger

    There’s a seagull that comes to my parent’s house regularly and knocks on their sliding glass door with its beak asking for food. They feed it cat food sandwiches. it’s been going there for years and they know it is the same one because it has a hole in one foot.


  3. Boomdeeadda

    I’m not overly fond of them, they used to hang out on one island at a lake we lived at. I’m talking probably 100 of them all squawking at once……holy noise maker Batman. Obviously, I would never wish them ill, but maybe they could spread out a bit.


  4. quirkybooks

    I saved a seagull’s life a few months ago, it had been knocked by a car and was in the road and about to get run over. I swept my hands underneath it and rescued it. It was bleeding and in shock. I managed to take it indoors and put it in my kitchen in a basket, during that time, although it was still bleeding, it came out of shock and ending up walking around my kitchen floor until the RSPCA collected it almost 2 hours later. The RSPCA guy said that the wounds were not too bad and he should not need to be put down. Hooray! Good result.

    I also like pigeons, my Grandad used to have them eating out of his hands and perching on his shoulders.



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