Zoey the Cool Cat

Caturdays — Zoey the Cool Cat


Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

My computer has been out of action since early Friday morning due to the FBI Moneypak virus. I’m quite computer literate in protecting my computers but Friday morning I was on the Internet without actually being at my computer and the FBI Moneypak virus got me.

It had gotten me a few times before but I was always at the computer and caught it before it dug too deeply into my computer. It is one of the few malware viruses that seems to get past Microsoft Windows Defender, Norton Antivirus, and McAfee.

Friday morning it dug itself so deeply into my computer that Restore didn’t work, none of the Safe Modes worked, and booting from a flash drive, CD, and DVD didn’t work.

My only two options were to either restore back to the factory settings or re-install Windows 7. Both would delete all my installed software and might delete any necessary files that I had not moved off the C: drive and onto external hard drives. Fortunately, from what I can tell now that I’m back up and running is that all of my valuable files are on external hard drives and I didn’t lose anything.

Re-installing all the software I had — Photoshop and Bridge, Lightroom, CorelDRAW, PaintShop Pro, Photo-Paint, Office, Audacity, Quick & Easy Organizer, VideoStudio Pro, among others — was the biggest nightmare, especially since I couldn’t get onto the Internet. My Adobe and Office products are Cloud products, so I would have to have Internet connection to download Cloud software.

Turns out that re-installing Windows 7 had also deleted some hardware drivers, like the one that allows me to access the Internet, my graphics card driver, and a couple others.

I finally got Internet connection back at 11:30 this morning. I didn’t have time to do much because I was scheduled to be at Second Chance Dog Rescue from 1:00-3:30 p.m. for volunteer orientation. I had so much fun keeping the dogs company, so much fun that I only have two dog pictures from 3½ hours. So few pictures in that amount of time is something that probably hasn’t happened in about twenty years.

When I got home, I told Zoey the Cool Cat that I had been out with the dogs. She wasn’t too happy, especially since I told her that Monday blog posts would be dedicated to dogs, hopefully featuring many of the dogs from Second Chance Dog Rescue. She suggested that if I were going to let Mondays go to the dogs, perhaps we could have Caturdays for the cats. I think she’s on to something, so today’s first Caturdays post will feature Zoey the Cool Cat. Future posts will also feature cats of all shapes and sizes, big cats from the Zoo and Safari Park, feral cats from the San Diego jetty, cats that help me out at home inspections, etc.

Here is our little Zoey the Cool Cat, looking very queenly:

Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos 

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

40 thoughts on “Caturdays — Zoey the Cool Cat

  1. ytaba36

    How big is Zoey? I mean, about how much does she weigh? She looks like a petite little lass in your photos.

    Here in Australia, that virus mimics the Australian Federal Police! The blokes at the computer shop said that:

    a) the first they were aware of it was when the boss had his computer attacked, and

    b) apparently its a syndicate out of Nigeria doing this, with each attack tailored to the Federal police of a particular country. Too bad all this intelligence isn’t put to good use, eh?


  2. Gobetween

    My computer would not boot last week so I took it in and they removed the hard drive and copied all my files and got me up and running again. The files got corrupted don’t think I had a virus. But I was so lost for 24 hours. Almost every minute in converstion I would think hmm I must google that and then that sinking feeling that oh- no computer and no internet.


  3. Animalcouriers

    Sorry to hear of your trouble and strife with that nasty virus – glad you didn’t lose anything. Love it that you were too wrapped up in the dogs to take picture! Looking forward to dog days and Caturdays.


  4. laurie27wsmith

    That Zoey is a beautiful cat, love the first pic. Absolutely despise these people that flood the net with viruses.


  5. Inside the Mind of Isadora

    I don’t understand why people are constantly sending virus’ and , now, the FBI. MMMMmmm … we had that one; although, they didn’t call it that. It was the government one.
    HUH??? Oh well, I had to buy a new computer and lost everything. I can put my programs back because I still have the discs. So sad ….. and … frustrating.
    You must have read my mind. I had been thinking about a cat day ever since I adopted my two kitties from a rescue shelter in June. I look forward to your Caturday posts.
    Happy Sunday …


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Most of my software has to be downloaded from the Cloud, so being without an Internet connection means the software cannot be downloaded and/or the software won’t work.

      One of the reasons why I’m moving all my software to the Cloud is so that I’ll always have the latest and the greatest because it updates automatically when I use it. Another reason involves the fact that I have upgraded regularly. That in itself created problems. For example, I bought Office 95 and then upgraded to Office 98, Office 2000, Office 2003, Office 2007, and Office 2010. Unfortunately, in order to re-install it, I have to install Office 95 and then upgraded to Office 98, Office 2000, Office 2003, Office 2007, and Office 2010. That in itself takes several hours. By going to the Cloud, I don’t have to do that anymore.


      1. Inside the Mind of Isadora

        Hey Thanks …. super information on the cloud. I hadn’t tapped into it because I hadn’t learned enough about it. I purchased an Apple Pro laptop because of all the virus’ plus they have one-on- one classes for people like me. I hope to learn all about these things. I run my business almost totally ( 85%) on the web now-a-days so virus’ and my business don’t play well together.
        Again …. thanks for the info – I think I will ask my teacher about going that route at my next lesson.
        ~~~~~ : – )


      1. Pit

        Hi Russel,
        I don’t download music and pictures that much, and files usually from sources I trust [software I buy]. Sometimes, though, my security software [F-Secure] has warned me not ro proceed with certain websites and unless I am absolutely certain that that is a false alarm I discontinue. Let’s hope this’ll work out for me.
        Best regards from southern Texas,


        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          It’s getting to the point where you don’t buy software anymore. I’ll bet that in another five years, tops, every company will be renting its software from the Cloud. Adobe has 95% of their software in the Cloud now, and Microsoft’s Office (Office 365) is now in the Cloud. It’s a great cash flow model because there is recurring income each month and there’s no expenses for creating CDs, user manuals, display boxes, etc.


          1. Pit

            I hope that the “cloud days” will still be in the far future: I’m the old-fashioned guy that want his software on DVDs. 😉


            1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

              The Cloud days are already here, and now that Adobe and Microsoft, two of the big boys, are having such success with it, it’s going to start coming with the force of a hurricane!

              Cloud software doesn’t mean that the software you’re using is in the Cloud, only that it comes from the Cloud and can be updated instantaneously via Cookies and such. So the software is still on your computer, which means you can copy it to a DVD.


  6. philosophermouseofthehedge

    Zoey – you’re purrfect. Please allow the dog’s a chance Molly was a Second Chance Pet adoption (and RC Cat is still complaining..she sent staff out for cat food – and a dog comes home? She doesn’t believe is was a buy food and get a dog free deal…..RC will be posting on Monday while you take a day off to rest…and plot )


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I learned a couple of decades ago not to keep data files on the hard drive with the operating system. Data is kept on external hard drives so that if something goes wrong with the computer, I simply unplug the external hard drive and take all my work to another computer. I can even take it to FedEx Office and work if necessary!



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