Happy (would have been) birthday #103 to my wise old grandmother

My wise old grandmother

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Many decades ago, specifically December 1965 to May 1973, I would often argue with my wise old grandmother about why I had to do specific chores around the house, like

  • washing the dishes,
  • drying the dishes,
  • washing AND drying the dishes,
  • hanging out the clothes (smile if you remember clothes lines in the back yard),
  • taking out the trash,
  • pulling the weeds,
  • mowing the lawn—twice a week during the summer, which is why I’ve never had grass on my properties; QUIT FERTILIZING THE DARN STUFF!
  • edging the sidewalk,
  • pruning the oleanders…..
  • oh, the list is endless.

Always—always I say—after about ten minutes of arguing, she would simply say,


If you think you’ve heard “Just do it!” before, Nike the shoe company claims it as a trademarked slogan. I say they stole it from my wise old grandmother. Greedy, big corporations……………..

Happy (would have been) birthday #103 to my wise old grandmother!

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

13 thoughts on “Happy (would have been) birthday #103 to my wise old grandmother

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Oh, Yeah. MWOG used to adopt all the neighborhood strays, being particularly fond of any three-legged cats or dogs. She’s the one who taught me an appreciation for all wildlife, even ants, snakes, and spiders. “They all have a right to live, and since they ARE part of the food chain, we need them to live so we can have our beautiful screech owls in our trees.”


  1. angelswhisper2011

    Happy Birthday to your grandmother, Russel. I also celebrate my grandma’s birthday every year, as if she was still around. I guess Zoey TCC is singing Happy Birthday in full voice 😉 Pawkisses for a Happy Week 🙂


  2. Pete Denton

    I remember the good old clothes line in the back garden. If only we had enough sun and a strong enough breeze to dry the clothes 🙂

    Nice post for your Grandmother’s (would have been) birthday. 🙂



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