It’s cute and adorable

Picture of the Moment

It’s no secret that most people put seagulls into categories such as “common bird,” “pesky bird,” “irritating bird,” “noisy bird,” and “go away bird.” Maybe others that I’m not familiar with.

When I went up to La Jolla recently to see Hillary Clinton, I spent some time walking around taking pictures. It’s a beautiful area, as you can see here:

La Jolla Cove panorama, La Jolla, California

Sunset at La Jolla Cove, 10-17-12, La Jolla, California

Sunset at La Jolla Cove, 10-17-12, La Jolla, California

I came across a seagull which obviously was on a nest:

Seagull on a nest

I didn’t want to disturb it but I was hoping that it would stand up and let me see the egg since I have never seen a seagull egg.

I found a large rock to sit on, about four feet from it, and sat, and sat, and sat, and sat…. all the while encouraging it to stand up and take a break so I could see the egg.

After what seemed like forever, it obliged.

Seagull egg

Several other gulls came over while it was standing….

not sure what that was about….

but it left the egg in my care and went to chase the other gulls off.

Seagull egg

After a couple of minutes, it came back, thanked me for taking care of its egg, and went back to work.

Seagull on a nest

I left by a different route from which I had come in, and saw a result of all the hard work those seagulls do:

Seagull chick

Aren’t they cute? Do you see the second chick sitting in the foreground?

They look like the spots from the eggs rubbed off on them.

Moral of this post: Take time to enjoy all that is around you, even the common stuff, because sometimes it’s so cute and adorable.

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

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19 thoughts on “It’s cute and adorable

  1. draliman

    They look a lot cuter like that than when they’re dive-bombing the ice cream out of your hand or ripping your head to shreds (common problems where I live)!


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      You can still call them cute! Cute, but noisy!………LOL

      You’re lucky you don’t have peacocks and peachicks. You would then know what noisy birds really sound like and would be happy that all you have a seagulls………LOL again.


      1. annabelsglassdesigns

        I can imagine living near peacocks would be noisy!

        I guess I wish seagulls would just stay by the sea, their cries somehow sound better and more natural at sea. They’re such scavengers in towns.


  2. laurie27wsmith

    The chicks are certainly well camouflaged Russel. The only time I don’t like seagulls is when they’re after my chips. (fries)



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