Yahooooooooo! WordAds approval came through today!

Did you know?


My Russel Ray Photos blog got approved for WordAds today!

A couple of weeks ago I was visiting someone’s blog and the latest blog post there was about how much money that blogger was getting from having advertisements on the blog. The money was much more than I would have thought possible. I looked into monetizing my blog since I have 5,459 followers and almost 260,000 views. Over at, I discovered information about, and a link to, WordAds. It’s the official advertising partner for WordPress. However, you have to apply and, if they like your blog, they will approve you. I applied a couple of weeks ago and got approved today, so that’s why you’re seeing ads on my blog today.

Any income from WordAds will go towards supporting my Photographic Art venture which means, of course, a salary for the awesome Julian. Here he is on his first day back at work after being in Texas for three weeks:

Julian back at work

I’ll keep everyone informed about what kind of income this brings in and then you can make a decision about WordAds for your own blog! Meanwhile………


Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

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28 thoughts on “Yahooooooooo! WordAds approval came through today!

  1. philosophermouseofthehedge

    Very cool! Will be interested in seeing how this goes. I see a small band of ads at the top and the big one at the bottom – if that is all they do, it would be OK with me, but if they start shoving them in the middle of the posts, not sure. So will be watching.
    Congrats in any case – always good stuff on this blog


  2. postmoderndonkey

    You certainly deserve the opportunity. Maybe now is the time to have Julian research ways to expand your reach/traffic to expand your ad value and income even further. A business is always either growing or shrinking and you have so much to offer. Well played!


  3. AmyRose

    Congratulations, Russell. I for one am interested, as I have been looking for the means to supply income for myself for camera equipment. I will be watching for your reports on how you do and if it is really worth it. If it is, I will be applying. Thank you! xx Amy


  4. Pingback: WordAds: Advertising on WordPress | The Human Breed Blog

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