Here’s the deal

Out & About

Later today I shall be leaving on a road trip. Here’s my route:

Road trip

This is a business trip to promote Photographic Art by Russel Ray Photos.

Photographic Art by Russel Ray Photos

First stop will be Borrego Springs where I shall get pictures of the Rancheti Bigfoot and the many dinosaurs roaming around in the desert. You’ll just have to wait for the pictures….

Second stop is the east shore of the Salton Sea. I have never been there, so who knows what my trusty digital camera might find…

Third stop is La Quinta where I shall drop off a Photographic Art gift to one of my Realtor friends over there.

Last stop is Ontario where I shall be attending a home inspector meeting and publicizing my effort to get out of home inspections and into Photographic Art full time.

The route is 426 miles so I’m sure I will find all sorts of interesting things to take pictures of to make into Photographic Art!

Since I won’t be home today to interact with all my blogging friends, here’s the deal:

First, like or comment on this post.

Next, go to my galleries at Fine Art America ( and choose your favorite picture. Let me know what it is in an email to
and that Photographic Art creation is yours in all its full resolution digital glory to do with as you please.

I will be matching likes and comments with emails, so don’t try to cheat!

That’s it! Pretty good deal, no????

I have to go alone, so the home office will be occupied and protected by Jim, Julian, and, of course, Zoey the (ferocious) Cool Cat.

Zoey the Cool Cat

Zoey the Cool Cat

Zoey the Cool Cat

Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

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I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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Visit Photographic Art at Fine Art America.


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