If you don’t ask, there’s only one answer

My wise old grandmother

In 1966, my grandmother taught me that if you want something, you have to ask.

If you ask, there are two answers: Yes or No.

If you don’t ask, there is only one answer: No.

My left shoulder and both knees are asking me to get out of the home inspection business. They don’t like crawling around anymore in attics and under houses. I have spent all of 2014 applying for various jobs, but I can tell you that ageism is alive and well in the work environment.

I would like to ask you to buy any Photographic Art and use it as a gift for Christmas, a December wedding or anniversary, a December birthday, or for a Fall graduate. Of course, if you can come up with other reasons for a gift, I’m all for it!

I am just starting out in this venture so I don’t have a decades-long track record. However, Jim Frimmer (missionvalleyliving.com) and Thomas Nelson (thomasjnelsonrealtor.com) are using my work for close of escrow and anniversary gifts. They attach their business cards and various messages to the back using rubber cement. From the reactions of their Clients, I know I have something going here.

I am at Fine Art America (1-russel-ray.artistwebsites.com) mainly because they are inexpensive compared to my local printing, art, and framing shops; and they have a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee, even for buyer’s remorse!

If you think shipping costs are too high, you can buy the digital file directly from me for $49 and then have it printed at your favorite local shop.

I also do custom work for $49. For example, Thomas Nelson saw five Photographic Art that he liked for his most recent Client. Buying all five as one close-of-escrow gift was a little expensive, so he asked me if I could merge them, which I did. Here is the result:

Harley-Davidson montage

With my photography collection and resources, I can make one-of-a-kind Photographic Art in huge sizes. Thomas Nelson bought a panorama of San Diego (San Diego panorama) that I created using 16 separate pictures. The final product was four feet long. His Client was surprised and ecstatic!

San Diego

I recommend metal prints—they are virtually indestructible, the color is spectacular, they are light and easy to hang, and they are inexpensive compared to traditional glass and frame.

Please consider buying Photographic Art
for your gift-giving needs.
Thank you!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Best wishes for health, happiness, peace, and prosperity
in 2015 and beyond.

Looking for a unique gift for Christmas?Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Suffering from Bare Wall Syndrome? Need a unique gift?
Choose Photographic Art by Russel Ray Photos at Fine Art America.

photograhic art taking pictures making art

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