My Own Little World—Fruity & fresh

I live in my own little world

When Jim, Zoey the Cool Cat, and I moved into our new home last July, I wanted to create a place where Zoey the Cool Cat could safely go outside. At our previous home, she had a balcony high up in the air where there were no dangers to her. Out here in the boondocks we have coyotes, foxes, raptors, lots of aggressive ground squirrels, and even aggressive rabbits. I couldn’t teach Zoey the Cool Cat not to go between the balusters and take off chasing something that looked small from a distance but might be a little bigger than her when she got too close.Zoey the Cool Cat chilling on the lanai

So I took our front porch, which actually is at the rear if you say that the front faces the street, put up huge cat-claw-proof screens, and put a cat door in the single-hung window. She quickly learned that she can go outside and just chill.

We call the new front porch “Zoey the Cool Cat’s lanai.” From her lanai she has a cat’s eye view of all the birds, lizards, bees, squirrels, and rabbits in Wildlife Corner.Rabbit and squirrels

Yesterday, with the temperature at 86°F in the sun, Zoey the Cool Cat was chilling on her shaded lanai. I decided to chill with her, so I got the book I’m reading (“The Demon in the Freezer” by Richard Preston—a true book about the eradication of smallpox) and a new beer that I bought (Shock Top Ruby Fresh Grapefruit), and went out to chill with her.

I haven’t been much of a beer drinker since leaving Texas on April 15, 1993, so I’m always trying new and different beers whenever I decide to have one. O.M.G. Shock Top Ruby Fresh Grapefruit is the best thing since margaritas! I can highly recommend it.

I have really turned into a fruity beer person—Abita Purple Haze (raspberry wheat), Redd’s Raspberry Ale (could be my favorite except that every bottle I have ever had has been flat, and flat beers are just nasty so I have given up on Redd’s), Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat, and so many others. I’m ditching all the others and going with Shock Top Ruby Fresh Grapefruit, especially since I found a store just a mile away that carries it regularly.

Online images show it as Shock Top Ruby Fresh but my bottle actually says Shock Top Ruby Fresh Grapefruit. I probably would not have bought it if it just said “Ruby Fresh” because when it comes to these fruity beers, the name of the beer is what catches my attention, and “Ruby Fresh” would not have done that.

Anyway, if you want to try a new beer, one that is, uh, fresh, try Shock Top Ruby Fresh Grapefruit and let me know what you think.

Here’s the Shock Top car that shows up at all the car shows throughout San Diego County:

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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