Russel Ray

Teeny tiny flowersI have been a photographer for over 55 years but it has never been the main source of income to pay my bills. For that, I have worked in many different professions—word processor, home inspector, Realtor, landscaper, heating & cooling company owner, roofing company owner, computer sales company owner, antique restoration company owner, and many more.

Today I am unhappily retired. This is Meerkat at the San Diego Zoomy third retirement in my 62 years on earth, and I can continue to tell you that retirement is not all it’s cracked up to be. People need people. I need people. Being retired and sitting at home ain’t fun, but when I want to go do something, everyone else is at work and can’t go. So I usually go alone.

Mainly what I do right now is take pictures and share them and my Photographic Art here on my blog, the sights and sounds of life from Southern California, mostly San Diego County. Hope you enjoy them.

See you around the blogosphere!

Russel Ray

602 thoughts on “Russel Ray

  1. Gene Mundt

    Russel: Jim had told me of your kindness and mentioning me on your blog … so I hopped over and commented via your blog. I wanted to do more than that though … you were so generous and kind with your supportive comments. I’m still almost speechless! I’m truly humbled.

    I hope your new WordPress venture is very successful. I’ve subscribed to your new posts and looking forward to keeping in touch with you that way … and enjoying your beautiful photos.

    Again, thank you … and best of luck in all your pursuits …


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jude

    Hi Russel, thanks for having a look at my blog and liking some of my stuff. Very sad to hear you’re no longer a biker.

    I really enjoyed your post about Santa Catalina Island, some great pics. I’d love to go there, it’s just a bit far away!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Susie

    Thank you for taking the time to view several of my posts – I’m delighted you liked them! And thank you too for following my blog… it’s much appreciated!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. avian101

    Russel, because I enjoy and admire your blog so much, I have nominated you for the ABC Award. ‎. In order to accept this award, you must comply with the two rules. Then you may place the Award logo on your site. Please do not feel any pressure to accept this award, I understand if you do not wish to participate. But know your site is appreciated, and your blogging is interesting, your photos are beautiful! I enjoy reading your posts! Have a great day! H.J.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Beth

    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking so many of the posts. I enjoyed looking at your photographs as well. That strangler fig tree is crazy! Also, I’m not positive but the butterfly in your pollinator post is probably a monarch (could be a viceroy but I’m not near enough to my field guide to confirm).

    Liked by 2 people

  6. robincoyle

    Well you landed in a good spot and I am glad you mixed the whole “end my life” notion. Also, I meant to ask you what happened with your major in forestry.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I’ve used my major…. Wait. I’ve never used my major!

      I used to feel bad about that but in the late 1980s either Forbes or Fortune had a lengthy article about CEOs, Presidents, CFOs, COOs, etc., and their degrees. More than 80% of those people had never worked in a field where they used their degrees. I have felt much better ever since.


  7. globalanni

    Thanks for visiting my blog and following me. I love your blog! Amazing photos! Where did you grow up as a military brat? I am a TCK and graduated from the DODD school in Bahrain (Bahrain School).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I have siblings born at the military bases in Gary, Indiana; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; and Kingsville, Texas. I’m one of the Kingsville, Texas, brats. There are three of us from Texas.


  8. Subhan Zein

    HI Russel,

    Thank you for following my blog. I hope I don’t disappoint you and that your visits in my blog have been and will always be a joyful ride. Thank you again and lovely day to you! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

    Liked by 2 people

  9. StillValerie

    Hi Russell:

    Thanks for following my blog. I took a peak around at your blog and liked your honest and humourous take on things. It made me want to come back to read more … And I will!

    As you can tell from my spelling, I’m from Canada, that country you wanted escape to, (and end your life?!). Canada and Canadians are really quite likable you know! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  10. onespoiledcat

    Hi Russel….nice to meet you! Thanks for following my cat Sammy’s blog “One Spoiled Cat”. He truly is that (spoiled) and proud of it. I love your photography – I’m strictly an amateur in that department! Sam posts every day and we hope from time to time you can stop by for a laugh or two.

    Pam (Mom of Sam)

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Pingback: Inspiring Blog Award « Katherine Givens

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, hey! I’m doing fine this morning. Hope you are, too. I’m camping out in blogs and finding new campsites, of which yours was a new one I found, so I’ll be by to do some serious camping in the next couple of days. Keep the camp store open because I might need some hot dog buns.


  12. Genie

    I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. If you choose to accept the rules are posted here: If you choose not to accept; that’s okay, just know I really enjoy your blog.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. ~ Self Awareness for Change ~ The draft of an angel

    Hi Russel, I discovered the remains of a fire two days ago and thought someone must have camped there! And now I discover its you! Hope you enjoyed your time in my pages. I try to keep them camper friendly but sometimes can handle the spontaneous growth of words which clutter the place. Hope you managed to find a little place for yourself! You will probably not feel the atmosphere of Rajasthan from the posts I make but it is real dry here, fresh at night and, after few months with the stars just above your head (we are 1200m high) now is the time for the clouds to visit. They are so cool and gentle, they even enter your home … Happy to meet you and enjoy what you are doing,

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award «

  15. Zen and Genki

    Hi Russel, I noticed that you’d “camped out” at my blog quite a few times over the past couple of weeks–I’m just getting caught up and wanted to stop in and take a look at all the new goodies you’ve posted since my last visit 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. John Paul McNeil

    Thank you for following my blog. Havn’t had time to check out all you have here (that would take a while!), but I like what I’ve seen, and read. You have no problem with writer’s or photographer’s block!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Martine

    Hi Russel,

    Thanks for visiting my blog! So glad you did, otherwise I wouldn’t have discovered your world of such beautiful imagery. Love your snippets category by the way, especially your post on “Making spammers work for you” – What a clever idea!

    Will be back for more with my cuppa coffee! In the meantime, have yourself a great day and be well! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  18. Ann

    Hello Russel

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    If you notice footprints over here, some will be mine 🙂 I shall be running around a bit as I explore your site 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  19. mgedwards

    Thanks for following my blog! I appreciate it and followed back. Great photos! Looking forward to more. Cheers, Mike (M.G.) WorldAdventurers (

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Pingback: Alternative four letter words | Marcus' s Space

  21. seakist

    Hi, just to let you know, I’m “unfollowing” your blog. Not because of anything you wrote because I know you are concerned about that when people “unfollow.” I always loved your blog and your cat — but I’m just not going to participate in blogging anymore (other than my music posts on another blog). People are just too nasty and it’s no longer healthy for me. So I’m “unfollowing” everybody — except one or two that I actually exchanged emails with.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. sharechair

    Hi, Russel! thanks so much for following my blog! Each and every follower is very special to me. I spent some time this morning on your blog, and I am delighted that your follow brought me here. I’m following you, too, and looking forward to your posts. p.s….. I have a dog (probably smaller than your cat, she only weighs 3 pounds) and her name is Zoe!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Sue Dreamwalker

    Hello Russel, thank you for clicking the follow button on my Blog Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary . Its nice to meet you.. I am now going to set up camp, while I have a little wander around your domain and see what delights await a newbie in town… 🙂
    ~Sue Dreamwalker

    Liked by 1 person

  24. throughenglisheyesmark

    Hi Russel,

    I’m really glad you found my blog http://reflectionsofchina.wordpresscom and you decided to follow my work, so thanks for that, it is appreciated 🙂 If you have time, please take a look at my other photo blog this site is for images i take in other countries around the world as I travel. I do hope you like that site too :)…You have a really nice blog here, so I too will follow and take my time to enjoy your world. Thanks again and Regards Mark.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Invisible Mikey

    I love your work, especially the panoramas. Did you know if you take 2 digital shots by spacing the camera at the same distance apart as your eyes, you can make brand-new stereoscopic photos? (You can still buy or make your own viewers.)

    Liked by 1 person

  26. "The Light-Bearer Series" Novelist, Emily Guido

    Hey Russell, Thanks for liking my blog this time… I LOVE your cat… I have three rescue cats and one is addicting to milk rings… I mean ADDICTED… can’t go into the refrigerator without him begging for me to throw him a ring. I have them all over my house… geez louise! Anyway, I want to say that in my “Light-Bearer Series” I have written about a gay couple in the family who are wonderful… more so in the second than in the first. In the third they play a major role. Anyway, I have a few crackpots that have been on my case that I can write about God and then write about a gay couple being in love and happy… That’s not the way they put it… but whatever… you get the drift. I don’t care, but it makes me wonder if they weren’t so busy trying to run everybody’s life if they would get their own together? I mean I’m just a novelist and blogger… if they want to rant and rave let it be in their own little closed world. TOO FUNNY! Take care!!!! Emily

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I follow some bloggers who’s only purpose seems to be to praise God and condemn everyone with whom they disagree. My closer friends ask me why, to which I say something that my wise old grandmother said, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I don’t consider anyone to be enemies per sé but I do like to know what the competition is doing, so to speak.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I found your blog via a blogging friend. I’ll be back in a couple of days to do some more looking around, inspect the campground, read a little, build a campfire, comment, eat some hot dogs and s’mores………


  27. woodandrope

    Ahoy there! I have just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. If you want to accept and participate justclick here and follow the steps!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Pingback: Capture the Colour… | The Retiring Sort

  29. Maddie Cochere

    Wow! So glad I took the time to camp out here for a bit (thanks for camping at my place earlier). I was dashing from one post to another, and I may have left a candy wrapper or two along the way, but I was distracted by so many beautiful things to see. My favorites are the flowers and the dogs, but I enjoyed everything. Looking forward to more of you work, Russel.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Pingback: Thanks for the Liebster!

  31. petit4chocolatier

    Your blog is an inspiration! I reblogged a couple of your links to a new page I began, reblog tastings! I hope it inspires people to click on the links and find your interesting and fun blog!


    Liked by 1 person

  32. Organized Living Essentials

    Hi Russel Ray,

    I so appreciate when you stop by for a visit at my blog and in turn I so appreciate stopping by yours. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger award. If this is a blogger activity that you do not participate in there is no expectation to follow through. Just enjoy the well-deserved promo! ~Thea

    Liked by 1 person

  33. diannejwilson

    Hey Russel 🙂 Loved seeing your footprints through my blog. So nice to have a visit from you. Have a stunning day sprinkled with moments that are worthy of becoming memories. x

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Donah D. Sweetjellybean

    Hello Russel! Thank you for dropping by once again on my blog, I feel so happy that I’m still on your list of thousand of followers you actually follow! Merry Christmas to you and Jim, and wish you all the best! Have a great New Year! Stay awesome and inspirational! xx Donah

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Clarabelle

    Hi Russell, thank you so much for dropping by my blog today. I love your blog and really look forward to reading your posts, I love train journeys and know I will enjoy your travel updates. Clarabelle

    Liked by 1 person

  36. readingwithrhythm

    Thanks for stopping by to visit today. I sure have been enjoying your posts about the trains. I would really like to ride a real train someday. I’ve ridden commuter trains before. They were kind of nice, but didn’t last very long. I look forward to more ride alongs with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Lily

    Wow this is great! I’ve been watching a lot of HGTV lately and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that there’s always something wrong or overlooked when people try to buy a new house. I’m glad I have someone to go to if I have any problems now! Thanks for following my blog! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Java Girl

    Thank you new friend! I appreciate you hanging out in my land of blogging world! It’s always nice to have great campers and you left it nice, don’t worry! I shall have to pay you a visit soon on your blogs posts too! Have a great day and pet your cat for me!

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Tina Schell

    Holy smokes Russel, it took me forever to get to the bottom of the comments here! Just wanted to say thanks for following my travelsandtrifles blog, and tell you how much I enjoyed not only your photos but the very clever way you present them along with your sense of humor. Great blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Tina. I found your blog through a blogging friend. I’ll be back by in a couple of days to do a little camping — reading, liking, commenting…… I hope your camp store stays open late because I’m usually a late arrival!


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Charu. I discovered your blog through a blogging friend. I’ll be back by in a day or two to do a little camping — reading, liking, and commenting. Hope you’ll keep the camp store open late for me!


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Carol. I found your blog through a blogging friend. I’ll be back by in a day or two to do some camping — reading, liking, commenting….. I like to stay up late so I hope you’ll keep the camp store open late!


  40. rightwingnutsandbolts

    Thankyou for the follow. In my seven plus years in CA, I never made it south of Escondido. Enjoyed your mountain pics. I used to enjoy riding my bike in the mountains when I lived there. Also the flowers are nice. If Zoey were a long-hair she weighed ten pounds more, she would be the twin of my sainted cat, Tigger. He was at least part Maine coon.

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Pingback: The Road | Lyrics, Sentiments and Me

  42. Pingback: Liebster Blog From Shammee | Not the Family Business!

  43. Pingback: Word Press Family Awards | Ibdesignsusa Weblog

  44. Donald Lockwood

    Hi Russell,
    Thanks for following my blog! I grew up in southern California, I was born in Palm Springs. Some of your photos really take me back! I’m in Vietnam for the time being. I’m looking forward to getting back on the road.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Donald Lockwood

        It’s way too hot there! I was there 2 years ago looking after my grandpa in the summer. It was so hot, I had to take up a nocturnal schedule and sleep all day to dodge the heat. I was losin’ it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          Doggie shoes?……………lol

          I was watching an episode of “My Cat From Hell” a couple of days ago. It was about two roommates whose pets didn’t get along. One had a cat and the other had two little rat dogs. The dogs were all dressed out in bonnets, sweaters, and doggie shoes. The youngest of the dog, still being house trained, had on a diaper. No! Dogs are not people!


  45. Pingback: Part of WordPress Family | Wildhorse33's Blog

  46. Lakshmi Loves To Shop

    Namaste…thank you for visiting and following my blog ~ it was so sweet of you 🙂 I look forward to reading yours ~ Lakshmi x

    Liked by 1 person

  47. peacelovegreatcountrymusic

    I’ve got a camera question for you. I need an every day lens and I have looked at Sigma and Tamron and the reviews are mixed. I have a Canon 40D, but I don’t use it often. I am trying to change that. I will not be using it daily and cannot afford to spend much money. I really just want a lens to take a random picture of a flower or cluster of flowers or interesting close photos around my farm. Would this lens to okay and is it the type of lens I need for what I want? Thanks for the input.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I think that you’d be much happier with a longer lens. Most people are because they want pictures of things that they can’t get close to. The only reason to have anything in the 18-35mm range is if you are in real estate or some similar profession.

      My walkaround lens is a Tamron 28-300mm. I use the 28mm for my real estate, but the 150-300mm range gets the most workout.

      The lens you referenced is $199. For another $250, you could get the Tamron 28-300mm, or you could drop down just a little and get the Canon 70-300 for $315.

      Or if you really wanted to save money, I have a Canon EFS 55-250 Image Stabilization lens that I have never used. It was given to me by my mother-in-law but I had already gotten addicted to the Tamron 28-300 which she didn’t now that I had. See it at

      Prices range from $139.99 used to $249.99 new. I’ll sell you mine for $139.99 plus postage and insurance.


      1. peacelovegreatcountrymusic

        I really like the 28-300mm, it would let me take the photo of a single rose or close subject, but would also be good for birds, too. Kinda overwhelming going through the list when you don’t know what you’re doing. Your input has been appreciated.

        Liked by 1 person

  48. Anonymous

    Hi Russell, Thanks so much for following my blog. It’s great to meet you! I’m so glad I found your blog – you have so much useful information that I neeeeed! (I’m about to get photoshop.) I so look forward to reading more of your posts. Seriously… great blog! Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Gerard Villanueva

    Hello there, Thanks very much for following my blog. As you can see from my simple pictures, I’m new at photography and haven’t even ventured into the world of photoshopping.. Along with great photos, your blog offers a lot of hard earned tips and information. I’m looking forward to checking it out.

    Liked by 1 person

  50. RituKT

    Hi Russel, I am Ritu from the blog ‘Beyond Beauty Tips’. I saw that we were connected through my blog. I announced my new domain a month ago but I haven’t seen you there yet.
    Consider this as a personal invitation from me for my blog ‘Things To Rave About’ ( which is just BBT at a new address.
    Hoping to see you there. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  51. thefashionblogger21

    Hi Russel, I saw that you visited my blog. Thank You! And also, I love the photos you post on here! I am a photographer myself but obviously not as experienced as you are!

    Liked by 1 person

  52. burnettfreelanceimagery

    Russel: Just wanted to thank you for stoppnig by recently and liking several of my recent posts, your continued support is appreciated. I am really trying to get better at visiting my followers, you do great work. Thanks again! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  53. jessicajhill

    Hi! You recently followed my blog, MissAdventure: Travel.Teach.Live.Learn. I wanted to stop by and say hi, and to let you know I’ve just moved the site to a new domain ( and had already transferred my followers before you signed up. I’d be truly flattered if you could re-sign up at the new site! I think you’ll like it even better 😉

    Cheers, and thanks a lot for following me.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          That got me there. I think when I added the http:// is was after I had deleted an S and never added it back in.

          It looks like you’re using on your own host now so you don’t have a typical WordPress Follow button. I don’t subscribe by email to anything since I already get a thousand emails a day. Thus, I’ve put you in my Excel spreadsheet and I’ll be by occasionally to see what you’re up to, do a little reading and commenting………..


          1. jessicajhill

            I do actually have a WordPress Follow button! It’s in the bottom right corner…a newish feature that combines the usability of with Let me know if it doesn’t work, or doesn’t show up for you…that excel spreadsheet is a great idea though!

            Liked by 1 person

  54. moreta999

    I’m very glad to know the owner of this blog-who knows I can get home in California one day for free by you –LOL-thanks for stopping by my blog – hopefully another day to share knowledge and opinion-

    Liked by 1 person

  55. annetbell

    You are a very talented person! I would love not to be living in the frozen northeast but in sunny, temperate San Diego. I loved in Phoenix for 7 years so I know of what I speak! Thanks for the follow, I am glad to find you, too! Namaste. . . .Anne

    Liked by 1 person

  56. farrelljulie

    Hi Russel,

    Thank you for stopping by at my blog – I’m so pleased that you enjoyed reading some of the posts! You have a truly beautiful blog here! I love the community feel of WordPress bloggers – it’s so cool! 🙂

    Hope to see you around!

    Liked by 1 person

  57. kayuk

    Hi Russel, I’ve been visiting your blog for some time now, enjoying both your photos and your tutorials. It’s all very elegant and uncluttered. I can see that you’ve been nominated for a number of awards and, although you already have the award, I’m nominating you for the Liebster Award again. Please don’t feel pressed to do anything, I just feel that the effort you put into your blog is deserving of the award.

    Liked by 1 person

  58. Pingback: I Got An Award! | Flakes of Life

  59. Lynda

    Russel, too bad you don’t cover the Tuscumbia, AL area. (for home inspections) I think we could have used your services when we bought our new place. Nevertheless, when we are done with the restoration we will have some stories to share with visitors and some awesome show and tells too! 😉 But OH HEAVENS is it hard work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I think I understand. I also think that if one is going to do a restoration, a home inspection is really pretty useless. It’s just not going to find all the problems that you will find once you get into that restoration.


  60. julespaige

    Thanks for stopping by my June Gem Stones… I know that I can have ad free of Word Press stuff if I pay a premium – it’s not those ads I’m concerned with. My reason for not having likes are those less than legit sites that want you to follow their lifestyle change, you know the too good to be true buy in to this program and do nothing but get money coming in hand over foot. It is those type of trollies I keep my friends from having to deal with. I have also found on WP how to sort of block them too, with key words or phrases. And that seems to have slowed down that type of traffic.

    I am not apposed to writers trying to sell their own work. I might do that someday, when I have more time to investigate it. Right now I’m quite happy with where I am.

    Thanks for your visit, offer and input. Enjoy your camping where ever you go via the internet. I’ll book mark your place 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I’m not following your reason for not having likes. If you don’t want the spammers to like you, all you have to do is make it so that anyone liking a post has to be registered. That can easily be done in your dashboard settings.


      1. julespaige

        Well two problems with that. 1) the ‘spammers’ actually sort of host semi legit sites and are registered. And 2) I don’t want my regular friends to deal with captcha codes which maybe a different thing altogether. And as I tell my friends who ask questions like; Should I do this or that? Well, it’s your site run it the way you want. I know others who don’t have likes. and well for the moment I don’t either. And it is working for me.

        I’m not in this for ranks, ratings or tons of followers. Most folks, my friends, just pop in a 🙂 – however if one is a legit WP site that follows you they can still pop in likes via the reader mode but I don’t deal with that much either. It’s just that no one else will see them and I don’t get notified of Likes in my e-mail in box (which already overflows). But I do get notified of likes in the WP notification system so that’s good enough for me.

        Cheers and thanks. I do have a specific ‘company’ that I was plagued by and if you want to know it, e-mail me and I’ll tell you.

        Liked by 1 person

  61. Pingback: Daruri, premii, d’ale bloggaritului / Gifts, awards, blogging stuff | Amintiri din Bucătărie

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Shanna. If you’re talking about WordPress, I think it’s the best platform on any operating system. I did a couple of months of research on all this stuff before I finally chose to set up shop here. If you’re not talking about WordPress, let me know. And, by the way, “Gig ’em, Aggies!” (Class of ’77).


        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          Ha! You’re not sorry to say that at all!……

          What kind of formatting are you trying to do? Based on your answer (I’ll be gone for a couple of hourse), if you’re somewhere in the United States, I can call you and walk you through the process (providing that Longhorn phones will let Aggie phones through). It’s simpler than a tutorial. Send me an email with your phone number if you’d like, and best time to call you. I’m at


  62. Pingback: Don Charisma’s Inventive Blogger Award – Why I love Blogging and the Bloggers I enjoy (A Christmas Tongue Twister) | Forget the Viagra, Pass Me a Carrot

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Steve. I found you via a blogging friend. I’ll be back to do some reading, liking, and commenting, soon, as soon as gets its act together so I can like and comment on the blogs.


  63. photobyjohnbo

    Hi; Thanks for stopping by and following my photo and travel blog. From the few moments I spent looking at your site, I know I will enjoy reading your posts as well. I certainly will take some time to explore your site looking for photo tips.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I would have left some likes and comments but isn’t cooperating today. Any blog post whose url ends with is one that I cannot like or comment on for some reason. Started yesterday afternoon and is continuing today. As soon as lets up, I’ll be back to read, like, and comment.


  64. Patty B

    I have just finished an article on my blog that was based on your question to me, is it ok for me to use your name and blog link? Also if you would like me to forward the article first you can email me and I will be happy to send you a copy. I plan on publishing it tomorrow. 2-12-2014 – thank you for your comment it gave me the direction I needed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      That’s why, even though I left religion back in 1993 and don’t have any use for it, I still like to interact with people of all persuasions, whether that persuasion be religion, sexual orientation, race, gender, etc.


      1. Patty B

        Thanks – and that is the reason why I enjoy blogging and meeting so many interesting bloggers. I am enjoying learning about different places, people and finding new interests. Greetings from a cooooold Pennsylvania! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  65. Little Miss Menopause

    So sixth grade yearbook staff triggered all of this, huh? Way cool! You’ve quite an eye – – and you’re also my neighbor! Hello from La Costa/Carlsbad. Thanks for tracking me down from our facebook group – – I look forward to exploring and contacting you if something comes up in the real estate arena.

    Liked by 1 person

  66. charlypriest

    Home inspector…I have friend that work in construction and they are terrified when the inspector comes. You actually instil fear in poor workers(wink, that´s me winking, don´t know how to put up the creepy yellow faces). Nice photos, it would be good to earn income by doing something you really love, don´t we all wish it would be like that. Few people have that privilege. And also, congratulations on you´re 26 anniversary! How do people do it is beyond me, I last 26 days at the most. Just me, I´m strange. Thanks for stopping by my crazy un paid blog, Stay Frosty Russel.

    Forgot. I lived in San Francisco, and the prices of the houses where astronomical, really in all California. Was it me? Or is that true that California is one of the most expensive places to live in? Just curious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      The people who dislike home inspectors the most are the people selling their houses. And Realtors often accuse us of “killing the deal.” As I like to tell them, I have no control over the buyers and certainly are not intimate enough with them after have just met and spent a few hours with them to know what would kill the deal. If anyone killed the deal, I think it is the sellers for not taking care of their property, not getting a pre-listing inspection, and/or not fixing things they know were wrong or broken.”

      California is one of the most expensive places to live in America but doesn’t compete with some other places in the world–Paris and London come immediately to mind.


          1. charlypriest

            Believe me I´m quite a strange dude, so I´m the exception to the norm. Although I should maybe filter somethings, yet again the blog it is called crazy life.

            Just me, what can I do.


              1. charlypriest

                By the way, here in Spain is 11:05 a.m and in the west coast is 9 hours earlier so since I did get a D- in math it should be there…. 2:00 a.m.
                You´re a night awol!


  67. Adrian B

    I start to enjoy your beautiful detail pictures. I’ve been couple of times in San Diego but I didn’t know it has so much history. I will come more often to read your blog. Thank you Russel for stopping by my blog and I appreciate your likes.

    Liked by 1 person

  68. shawnrjones12

    You are an amazing photographer. Also, that you for this post and website info. I am so happy you keep shooting those awesome pics for the world to enjoy. As artists, we know it is not about the money. We just keep going for the love of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  69. randomrose

    Thank you so much for roaming around my blog and leaving so many likes. I am in Europe at the moment visiting my beautiful grandchildren. I have just got wifi and saw all your likes, I was so excited as my blogging is non existent at the moment. It is spring here whereas it is coming on winter at home so I am enjoying the flowers and the signets and ducklings along the canals. Thank you again you are so kind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I spent waaaay too much time catching up because I was reading so much great poetry. Ah, well, I’ll deal with it. After all, when one finds something great, one has to enjoy it!


  70. j9epoetry

    nice to meet your website acquaintance.. I am loving your photographic art. I am a photographer by trade but my hobby as a poet has led me here! may i write to one of your works if i find one of true inspiration?

    from Jasmin Peart

    Liked by 1 person

      1. j9epoetry

        I just fell in love with your tiger paw edit.. very nicely done Russel! love your work. have you ever considered using cs6 you can do so much with that photoshop!

        i will submit my write to you soon.. really love your hobby! i wis i had time to edit in the quantities!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          My work is done in Photoshop, although I’m using Photoshop CC. I have Photoshop CC 2014 but it’s misbehaving and won’t accept my Actions, keyboard shortcuts, and plugins. I’m not the only one having problems with CC 2014. I think they released it without testing it. In fact, when I moved from CS3 to CS4 to CS5 to CS6 to CC, they always released beta versions which I always downloaded and put through the paces. They did not do that with CC 2014, which could be why it’s so buggy.

          I would also add that this is much more than a hobby for me. It’s a significant part of my livelihood, and my employee, Julian, and I are working hard to make it my full livelihood, as well as providing some money for him to go to college and law school.


              1. j9epoetry

                It’s the best way to become noticed there are many artists on the websites but I think your work would be popular in east London. The market for are has grown massively. I got 200 people at my exhibition and made just under 2,000 in one day. You can get your work printed on canvas yourself. You can have a theme of 20 pictures and sell them. Just an idea

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

                  Thanks for your continued interest!

                  I actually don’t believe exhibitions are the best way to become noticed in today’s world. Too much expense and hit-or-miss attached to them.

                  I would like to do an exhibition just for the novelty. Same thing with things like the San Diego County Fair (fourth largest fair in North America), La Jolla Art Fest, Coronado Art Fest, Kobey’s Swap Meet, etc.

                  I already know that spending so much money on inventory to haul around everywhere isn’t the way to make a living, but it does have a certain fun factor attached to it.

                  One of my vocations/avocations for thirty years has been marketing, so I don’t have a problem selling things that I want to sell, regardless of the industry.


            1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

              I have never had that problem and I’m running concurrently Internet Explorer, Excel with several spreadsheets open, Word, Bridge, and Audacity (audio editor).

              I do have 6GB of memory, though, along with a 1.5TB hard drive.

              See if this helps: In Photoshop, click on Edit ► Preferences ► Performance. Set “Memory Usage” to 50%. Then under “History and Cache” set Cache Tile Size to 1028K (or whatever the highest value is on your computer for CS6).

              Close Photoshop.

              Restart computer.

              Now whenever you turn your computer on, always open Photoshop first. Then open whatever other applications you like to run in the background. That will allow Photoshop, known as a memory hog, to get first access to memory.


  71. Paul Beech

    Hey Russel, thanks for dropping by my blog, Grandy’s Landing. Glad you liked my recent posts.

    You sure wield a mean camera! Being an amateur ornithologist, I especially like your Birds Art. I’m just back from Dubrovnik, a gorgeous city of sunshine and swifts. Would love to see what you’d make of the Alpine Swifts that scythe through the dusk at dizzying speed, their gleeful chorus echoing around the Old Town…



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Paul. I do custom work. For $20, I take any picture you provide and make two different Photographic Art creations. They are yours to keep forever and ever. Resolution depends on what you provide, so the higher the better. Once I send you the two creations, I upload them to my Custom (password protected) gallery at Fine Art America and you can order them as prints (mat, metal, acrylic), postcards, posters, cell phone cases, etc.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Conrad. I actually read your posts, your stalker’s posts, and the posts by the intermediary(?) trying to get you two together.

      I use the LIKE button to show that I was there and read the post. Sadly, there’s no button to indicate that I was there and didn’t like the post other than to comment. I could have commented, but I didn’t want to get involved in your brouhaha.


      1. Conrad (The Wine Wankers)

        OK, thanks. The like looks like you are supporting the negativity. I don’t want brouhaha, I tried not to respond but had to write something in the end. I just want the guy to stop with his rubbish and to never have to cross paths with him again. Life’s to short for such negativity. Cheers.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          I know all about the negativity. In 1993 I dismissed a few billion Mormon and Catholic relatives because of the negativity. Estranged from all except two stepsisters, a niece, and a cousin. My life is so much better without all their negativity in it.


  72. Dennis Wagoner

    Thank you for following my blog! I really appreciate the support.

    I am glad to see you showing the local sites of interest. We traveled around Indiana and hit some sites not exactly on the beaten path. I am following – your fault line story was fascinating! Why do you build on a fault line?

    Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I think building on a fault line is similar to building in a flood zone, building in Tornado Alley, building along the coast where the hurricanes hit. And with the population of the Earth heading towards 8 billion, it’s only going to get worse.


      1. Dennis Wagoner

        Interesting thought. But is there any really safe place from natural disasters? It seems like everywhere will get one or more of drought, monsoons, volcanoes, deadly pests, reptiles or other creatures, sink holes – I think the list could go on a long time. It must be frustrating in your profession to see people ignore those kinds of issues, but aren’t there similar issues just about everywhere?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          When Mother and Father Nature are having a disagreement, there’s really no safe place.
          I remember many decades ago when I survived a hurricane. I think it was Hurricane Alicia. Caused 20 deaths or something like that. My sister in Manhattan asked me why I continued to live in Houston. Then, in July 1984, they had that horrible heat wave that stalled over New York City for many days. The heat wave caused the annual mortality rate in New York City to climb to 1,300+ per 100,000 population. As I told her, there’s no escaping Mother and Father Nature, so wherever you live, just take appropriate measures.


  73. sixpixx

    Hi Russel. I’d love to employ you to inspect a property for me in San Diego; it looks beautiful – I should be so lucky. Maybe when that winning lottery ticket falls in my hand. In the meantime, thank you so much for following my blog. Please visit again soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  74. Uncle Spike

    Hey there Newbie Spikey!
    (for your info, a Spikey is the term for folk who are part of the clan known to be followers of Uncle Spike 🙂

    Thank you… I really appreciate that as I for one, know how many interesting and entertaining blogs are out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on the farm. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


    Liked by 1 person

  75. Jameel Hijazeen (Moa'bite)

    Hello Mr. Ray,

    Great blog and great photos 🙂 Can you please help me? I have a .com WordPress blog. I want to show the following statistics publicly like in your Blog:

    9,202 people are following this blog!

    How can I do that? Do you use a certain widget?

    Thank you for your help.

    Liked by 1 person

  76. timofeevbooks

    Thanks for the love you showed my page. Hopefully, I’ll be able to return the favor! I used to live in California. My husband was stationed in 29 Palms. We lived in Yucca Valley. It was pretty in its own way but I need greenery. Ha ha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I understand completely. It’s a little hotter and drier out there. Here in San Diego, anything will grow if we water it. We even have redwoods and sequoias growing at the Zoo and Safari Park because their water needs are being met. Otherwise it would be way too dry for them here.


  77. Muzzy

    G’day Russell,
    Wish i was aware that you had camped out at my window today I would have offered you a cupper, No only was I suprised but rather humbled at the time you gave to leave notifiction of each visit. thank you very much is greatly appreciated

    Liked by 1 person

  78. Penlateral

    Hi Russel, sorry your not in the happiest of places right now. I can relate to the connection with music, probably something primitive beating within. Sometimes we all need the extra time to adjust to situations out of our control.
    You have such a great photographic eye and knowledge as well as an appreciation of music. And I know you love your top 100 lists. May I offer a suggestion you might enjoy: Take, say for argument sake, 15 of your most favorite tunes/songs and marry them to a picture(or the other way round) You write clearly and perceptively to explain the technology of setting up a shot and the reason some songs may inspire your creative eye. Why not release a volume/book as a collection. This is going to sound a bit silly, but the thought behind it is genuine say Heavy Metal and Friday flowers, or your Zoo pics with Chopin/ Debussy etc. Just a thought. Either way take good care of yourself and give zoey a scratch for me.

    Liked by 2 people

  79. mightymasai

    What an inspiring and wonderful blog! I am so impressed by your taste in images and really enjoy the music (found a few keepers!)
    Thank you so much for stopping by! I am very happy to see heavy hitters (blog-wise) having time to stop by at smaller blogs like mine. Will be looking forward to seeing more of your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  80. elevenwinds11

    Hi, you have a very unique blog. And thanks for the likes by the way. Anyway, I can see Southern California from the eyes of your lenses and from the perspectives of your art. The feeling’s so homey when I look at your photos, though it’s kind of hard for me to understand the likes of it since I’ve never been there but I really like this alien feeling your photos create in me. I’ve been having a bad day but thank you for making me feel okay. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  81. Cardboard Express

    Hello there! I just wanted to say that you have an incredible blog, and I enjoy reading what you have to say. I also think your writing is insightful, refreshing, and apt!

    Liked by 1 person

  82. photobyjohnbo

    Looking forward to visiting San Diego for about a week in October. Aside from the usual tourist “must photograph” areas, do you have any recommendations for lesser known photogenic locations? Feel free to point me at any of your previous blog posts. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Do the Scenic Drive. It’s 59 miles but is so well organized and mapped out that you’ll get to see everything, do everything, photograph everything.

      I also hope you’ll call and that we might be able to get together for a meal or drink.

      Liked by 1 person

  83. Pingback: cartier bangle silver imitation

  84. Pingback: montre femme Bulgari

  85. Matt Eye

    Russell- I would have prefered to send you an email but could not find a link anywhere on this site. Anyway, I’m trying to find a house that my grandparents lived in during WW2 near Camp Pendleton that was owned by a French woman and was specifically ROUND in shape. Does this sound familiar in any of your travels?thanks so much from Escondido

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Hey, Matt. I only know of two round houses, one on the beach in La Jolla and one on Mount Helix. If you haven’t already, try the San Diego History Center in Balboa Park. Those people there are the most helpful and really seem to know what the History Center has.


  86. windhound

    Hi Russel, Many thanks for the time spent exploring and reacting to my blog. My new website is waiting for it’s first blog entry but when it appears I’ll be delighted to see you there too. Your grandmother would have liked my school motto “Be still and know” Pretty appropriate for a photographer too! We spend a lot of time observing and noticing and it’s fascinating to share and enjoy our different views of our world. Have a colorful, wonder filled summer.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I’ll be back! I rotate through all the blogs I follow. It takes me about 30 days right now, so don’t give up on me simply because I don’t visit each and every time you publish a new post.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Thanks! I practice what I call “blog camping.” Instead of visiting every time someone publishes a new post, I cycle through all the people I follow. So when I visit, you’ll often get multiple likes and comments during the same visit. It takes me about 30 days to cycle through everyone, so don’t think I’ve forgotten you!

      Liked by 1 person

  87. CineMuseFilms

    Thanks for dropping by my blog; it seems we have a couple of interests in common, film and photography. I was also a pro shooter and only recently hung up my cameras after shooting a thousand weddings over two decades. There is more of an overlap between the two interests than appears as wedding photographers are film directors and visual storytellers. Great blog here.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I practice what I call “blog camping.” Instead of visiting every time someone publishes a new post, I cycle through all the people I follow. So when I visit, you’ll often get multiple likes and comments during the same visit. It takes me about 30 days to cycle through everyone, so don’t think I’ve forgotten you!

      Liked by 1 person

  88. awax1217

    First thanks for visiting my blog. I went to your blog and noticed Zoey, which is my daughters cat name. Loved the wall pictures and saw that there is a billboard of a child. I thought it was a superimposed picture when I first saw it. My son owns a mortgage company in Tampa. So you two share the same interests. On occasion he flips houses. Loved your pictures. By the By give Grandma in a Rocking Chair a read and note the picture with it. What do you think of it?

    Liked by 3 people

      1. CineMuseFilms

        Its a famous line that comes from Apocalypse Now (1979) that has become an ironic trope with a number of related meanings. In this context, its a reference to ‘boys’ love of toys’ or hardware. For pro shooters, their equipment is their battle gear and the smell and feel of a bulky SLR is being likened to the hideous use of that line in Apocalypse Now. My use of the line is over-the-top and pretentious; entirely expected from a film critic. Nice chatt’n Ray.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          I saw Apocalypse Now when it came out in 1979. I figured with Coppola directing, and starring Brando, Hopper, Duvall, Sheen, Fishburne, it was going to be good. The critics and the public say it was good, but I just didn’t like it.

          Liked by 1 person

  89. delphini510

    Hi Russel, I would definitely contact your if I lived anyway near your way. 😊. You have a positive and easy rapport which means so much.
    Thanks for visiting my blog today and following. Very welcome

    Liked by 3 people

  90. healingpilgrim

    Hi Russell! I read your About shpiel with a mixture of sympathy and hope; it must be hard to be coaxed into retirement when you feel you have more to give.. but I’m glad you’ve found a creative way to spend your days: snapping pix! Thanks for introducing me to your blog.. and for discovering mine – and for following too. May you enjoy each day to the fullest!

    Liked by 2 people

  91. Expedition Overland Nomadic Adventurer

    You have a really great well-organized website, Your photos with stories are phenomenal. try the hiking side of photography as I have met so many others who are engaged in the same hobbies/loves.
    I’m meandering west for the PCT Joshua Tree and Death Valley, with stops in Sedona for a mountain bike event. I hope to bump into you on the trail. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I’m a member of a couple of hiking groups on, but my ankles and knees just can’t do the hiking like I could in my youth, or even a mere ten years ago. My hiking now is limited to easy hikes, sometimes moderate if there are no boulders to climb over or slip-sliding risks.


  92. CineMuseFilms

    Re: “retirement is not all it’s cracked up to be. People need people. I need people.” I hear you Ray and share the pain. At 70, the options to keep engaged seem to stretch into the horizon somewhere, over the rainbow. Keep writing.

    Liked by 2 people


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