Tag Archives: brown pelican

Rock pigeon (Columba livia)

The eye! Get the eye!

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

How I Did It


As I get more comfortable with layers and masks in Photoshop CS6 (meaning that I don’t need alcohol to get me through a Photoshop session), I can go back to many of my bird pictures to see if I can make something decent out of them.

Here are four that I worked with this morning using adjustment layers and masks:

Unknown bird

Unknown bird


Rock pigeon (Columba livia)

Rock pigeon (Columba livia)


Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)

Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)


One thing that I have learned since January when I started birding again, after a 35-year sabbatical, is to focus on the eye of the bird.

Previously I thought that if you just focus on the bird’s body, everything else will turn out alright. I mean, the eye and the body are just inches apart, so what’s the problem?

The problem is that these cameras really do know what they are doing, but it still takes a human being to tell them what to do. Look at the second picture, the one of the rock pigeon. Can you tell where I focused? It should be easy to see that it wasn’t the eye.

I would really have loved that picture if the eye had been the focal point. As it is, well, it’s a picture of a rock pigeon for my collection, reminding me that I still need a great picture of a rock pigeon eating, drinking, or flying.


I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

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If you’re just looking for a home inspector,
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Brown pelican off to chase the fishing boats

San Diego shorebird diversity

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Out & About San Diego


After completing my home inspection report this morning, I went out to the shoreline to see what birds were waking up with the dawn. Following is what I found.

California gulls fighting for foodCalifornia gulls fighting over food


Brown pelican off to chase the fishing boatsBrown pelican off to chase the fishing boats


Gull diving for breakfastGull diving for breakfast


Geese waiting for SeaWorld to openGeese waiting for SeaWorld to open


Great egret fishing for breakfastGreat egret fishing for breakfast


Great blue heron scouring the docks for leftover fishGreat blue heron scouring the docks for leftover fish


Black-crowned night heron wondering where the night’s going Black-crowned night heron wondering where the night's going


Close-up of the black-crowned night heronBlack-crowned night heron close-up


Juvenile black-crowned night heron practicing flying
(one of the parents is in the two pictures above)Juvenile black-crowned night heron practicing flying


Red-shouldered hawk (?) on a light pole Red-shouldered hawk (?) on a light pole


Osprey watching over his territoryOsprey watching over his territoryOsprey watching over his territory


Nesting osprey (young in nest at far right)
Nesting osprey


This post approved byThis post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

California gulls sitting

Santa Catalina Island — Synchronized birding

Erika Rogers, real estate agent with Stout & Associates Realty in St. George, UtahThis post is dedicated to Erika Rogers, a real estate agent with Stout & Associates Realty in St. George, Utah. I have known Erika for several years through a real estate professional networking site and highly recommend her for anyone buying or selling a home in the St. George, Utah, area. If she can’t help you with your specific real estate needs, I know she can refer you to someone (almost) as good as she is.

Dedications are my way of trying to provide a little extra Google juice for people I have come to know and respect over the years.

Out & About San Diego

Pictures copyright 2010 by Russel Ray Photos

On my birthday trip last Sunday to Santa Catalina Island, my main goal was to see some American bison, more popularly known as buffalo. They are on Santa Catalina Island courtesy of William Wrigley Sr. of chewing gum and Chicago Cubs fame.

I failed.

However, I did see a lot of wildlife which I’ll share in my next few posts.

Today I’ll introduce you to synchronized birding. First….

Synchronized sitting, presented by two California gulls:

California gulls sitting

Pictures copyright 2010 by Russel Ray Photos

Synchronized standing, presented by the same two California gulls:

California gulls standing

Pictures copyright 2010 by Russel Ray Photos

Synchronized swimming, presented by two brown pelicans:

Brown pelicans swimming

Pictures copyright 2010 by Russel Ray Photos

I tried to get two California gulls swimming together but had to settle for the brown pelican substitutes.

By the way, the California gull is the state bird of Utah, but I’m pretty sure Erika Rogers, to whom this post is dedicated, knows that.

Pictures copyright 2010 by Russel Ray Photos

This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat