Tag Archives: capybara

Fauna of the San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo logo

As promised yesterday, here are some pictures of the fauna residing at the San Diego Zoo.

Which is your favorite?

1 – FlamingoFlamingo at the San Diego Zoo

2 – Panda with toothpick
Panda at the San Diego Zoo

3 – Bear (not sure which species)
Bear at the San Diego Zoo

4 – One-legged ball of feathers
One-legged ball of feathers at the San Diego Zoo

5 – Meerkat sentry
Meerkat at the San Diego Zoo

6 – Secretary bird
Secretary bird at the San Diego Zoo

7 – Capybara (world’s largest rodent)
Capybara at the San Diego Zoo

8 – African lion
African lion at the San Diego Zoo

9 – Mountain lion
(the kind that lives in Southern California)
Mountain lion at the San Diego Zoo

10 – Reindeer with an itch
after delivering all those Christmas presents
Reindeer at the San Diego Zoo

11 – Great white pelican
Great white pelican at the San Diego Zoo

12 – White-faced whistling ducks
(wondering if the water is too cold)
White-faced whistling ducks at the San Diego Zoo

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post