Tag Archives: raindrops

Raindrops on not-roses

Picture of the Moment

According to the great and all-knowing Microsoft Excel, this is my best selling raindrops picture and my #9 best-selling picture overall.

Raindrops on an aeonium

It might rank higher but it hasn’t been available as long as the other best-sellers.

I think it will make a great (that is, difficult) 1,014-piece, 30″ x 20″ puzzle. Yes?

Surprisingly, I have never entered it in either a cactus & succulent show (the plant is an aeonium, one of my favorite succulent species) or a photography show.

I think I shall have to do something about that next year.

Picture of the Moment—Itty bitty

Picture of the Moment

It keeps raining.

This is not the San Diego that I’ve come to know and love.


It does make for some good macro pictures of itty bitty teeny tiny little raindrops on the plants in my gardens.

Following are my favorite two from today and yesterday.

Macro of a raindrop on a
Sprenger’s Asparagus Fern (Asparagus aethiopicus),
not a true fern:

Macro of a raindrop on a Sprenger's Asparagus Fern (Asparagus aethiopicus), not a true fern.

Itty bitty teeny tiny little raindrops
on an
itty bitty teeny tiny little succulent flower.

Itty bitty teeny tiny little raindrops on an itty bitty teeny tiny little succulent flower.

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post