Cotton-top duck

New duck species……….?

Jack Gilleland, home inspector in Clayton, OhioThis post is dedicated to Jack Gilleland, a home inspector and owner of Home Inspection and Investor Services in Clayton, Ohio. I have known Jack for about five years through the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. I highly recommend him for anyone need home inspection services in Clayton or the Dayton metro area. If you’re a returning veteran, call him for his veteran special.

Dedications are my way of trying to provide a little extra Google juice for people I have come to know and respect over the years.

Picture of the moment

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Some of us hope to leave a name in the world when we leave and move on. Some do it simply by leaving progeny. Those of us with no progeny have to find a different way to do it…..

….like maybe discovering a new species of animal or plant.

I think I did! I can’t find the following bird in any of the books in my wildlife library:

Cotton-top duck

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Cotton-top duck

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 Cotton-top duck

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I have named him a cotton-top duck. He was hanging out with the mallards, American coots, Canada geese, and what I think are snow geese, so who knows what he is? Until I get the DNA profile back from the Department of Homeland Security, I’ve placed him with the bufflehead duck since it’s the only duck I can find with a description “large puffy head.” So his scientific name is tentatively Bucephala cotton topus russelii.

Cotton-top was swimming around at Lake Murray where I often go to take a walk, feed the birds and squirrels, and take pictures:

Lake Murray

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He’s my duck, so don’t try to abscond with him. However, if you know what he really is, let me know. That way I can cancel the DNA profile with DHS……. they are expensive! lol

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This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

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