Giant panda at the San Diego Zoo

Is everyone becoming a Jack-of-all-trades?



I discovered at least one problem with camping out in someone’s blog: It can be extremely difficult to find more than one post, and camping, almost by definition, requires that there be a lot to read, like, and comment on.

It shouldn’t take five minutes to find your recent posts, and then, once I do, another two minutes to get back to the point where I can select another post to read…. EACH TIME!

I think I see the problem here and it’s something that happens every decade or so when new technology reaches the masses.

For example, back in the late 1970s computers entered the home, and in the early to mid-1980s, they became cheap enough that 80% of the people had one. Then the software arrived, which allowed anyone owning a computer to pretend that s/he was a CPA (Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel), or a secretary (Word), or a graphic designer (CorelDRAW and Adobe Illustrator).

Ten years later digital photography came to the masses, and just a few years after that they were cheap enough so that everyone has a camera, allowing those same people who were pretending to be CPA’s, secretaries, and graphic designers to now pretend to be photographers.

Fast forward yet another ten years and WordPress has made it so that it’s extremely easy to have your own web site. Those same people who were pretending to be CPA’s, secretaries, graphic designers, and photographers now pretend that they are webmasters and know how to design a web site to make it easy to navigate.

Is everyone becoming a Jack-of-all-trades?

Now if someone can just find a way for me to have a giant panda, I can pretend that I am a Zookepper.

Giant panda at the San Diego Zoo


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7 thoughts on “Is everyone becoming a Jack-of-all-trades?

  1. whitt88

    Oh so true. Btw, I’m here because I appreciated your comment about how depressing it was being supposedly entertained with pictures of a huge, beautiful creature hauled up on the ice for slaughter. Sock it to him, Ray.



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