Brown pelican off to chase the fishing boats

San Diego shorebird diversity

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Out & About San Diego


After completing my home inspection report this morning, I went out to the shoreline to see what birds were waking up with the dawn. Following is what I found.

California gulls fighting for foodCalifornia gulls fighting over food


Brown pelican off to chase the fishing boatsBrown pelican off to chase the fishing boats


Gull diving for breakfastGull diving for breakfast


Geese waiting for SeaWorld to openGeese waiting for SeaWorld to open


Great egret fishing for breakfastGreat egret fishing for breakfast


Great blue heron scouring the docks for leftover fishGreat blue heron scouring the docks for leftover fish


Black-crowned night heron wondering where the night’s going Black-crowned night heron wondering where the night's going


Close-up of the black-crowned night heronBlack-crowned night heron close-up


Juvenile black-crowned night heron practicing flying
(one of the parents is in the two pictures above)Juvenile black-crowned night heron practicing flying


Red-shouldered hawk (?) on a light pole Red-shouldered hawk (?) on a light pole


Osprey watching over his territoryOsprey watching over his territoryOsprey watching over his territory


Nesting osprey (young in nest at far right)
Nesting osprey


This post approved byThis post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

15 thoughts on “San Diego shorebird diversity

    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I think the Great Blue Herons are my favorite wild birds here because they are quite common and so much fun to watch. And, of course, they will actually let you watch you; they don’t really frighten easily.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      Thanks! The black-crowned night herons over at some of the boat docks seem to be almost tame. You can get to within a couple of feet of most of them, and then is one that will let you touch its feet.


  1. Todd Materazzi Photography

    Many Osprey and Great Blue’s over here. I love all of them. Amazing how comfortable they get to humans and the camera.



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