My little pink nose

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

How I Did It


As I cruise around WordPress blogs, I notice that most of the photography blogs are titled something like “John Doe Photography.” You’ll notice that I’m not. I’m Russel Ray Photos. There’s a reason for that.

Although I try to take the best photos I can, I have never been about photography perfection even though I’ve always had a nice 35mm SLR camera (Canon A-1) or digital SLR (Canon Rebel XSi and Canon 550D). You might occasionally find me using an old picture that can basically be called a snapshot because that’s what it was then, and is now.

Many full moons ago (about 240 of them) I had a need for things like scanners, Photoshop (I bought the first version and upgraded religiously through version 8), Paint Shop, Corel Photo-Paint, etc. I sold that business in 1993 when I moved from College Station, Texas, to San Diego.

Now that my energy is slowing down — i.e., I can’t play tennis, basketball, or volleyball anymore — I’m trying to get back to digital photo editing because it is a lot of fun. Until I get to layers and masks. The result of layers and masks is fun, but the technical part can be quite tedious. Don’t tell me to check out the YouTube tutorials because they pretty well…. I’ll just leave it at that since this is a family blog.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a local seminar — cost me $16 for 90 minutes — that was all about Photoshop layers and masks. It was the most useful seminar I’ve been to. I’m still having trouble with layers and masks, but that will be resolved with practice.

Of course, my first (successful) attempt at using Photoshop layers and masks obviously starred Zoey the Cool Cat. Here’s the result:

Zoey the Cool Cat's pink nose


That seminar did show me the secrets to working with Photoshop layers and masks, and the secrets are the lasso tool, the brush tool, the magic wand tool, and knowing when to use Alt + left mouse click. I’m using Photoshop CS6 Beta, but they also work in Photoshop CS5 (which I also have) and, according to the seminar leader, Photoshop CS4. Beyond that I don’t know. As I get more experienced with this really complicated stuff, I’ll do some static tutorials for those who, like me, despise video tutorials.


This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

16 thoughts on “My little pink nose

  1. FeyGirl

    I’d love to learn Photoshop (quickly?!?)…. I play around with Gimp, but I don’t even know the intricacies of *that* free program. While I wouldn’t want to alter my images too much, I do really like the barest effects, like with your Zoey (or so it seems…).


  2. victoriaaphotography

    I like the effect you’ve created with your photo of Zoey.
    I have a couple of friends who are really into Photoshop, but I have to admit I only use the most basic tools of PSE9.
    I prefer the walks in the fresh air and the ‘photography’ more than the post processing. Having said that, I really admire some of the effects my friends create.


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I can’t do as much walking and biking as I once could, so I’m wanting to really learn the ins and outs of Photoshop, PaintShop Pro, Photo-Paint, Lightroom, and CoreDraw so that when I actually can’t walk anymore, I’ll have millions of pictures that I can post-process. lol


      1. victoriaaphotography

        Good point, Russel.
        My walking has been cut down dramatically in the last 12 months due to chronic foot problems (which I’m still having injections for and new orthotics made). Maybe I should start learning a bit more about post processing too. Although to be honest, if I couldn’t go out to the zoo, Bot. Gardens, beach etc. Life would be pretty grim staring at 4 walls on my own all day.


  3. jmgoyder

    Even though I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, I am determined to eventually learn this kind of stuff and that photo of Zoey is definitely a winner!


  4. wannabephotographer87

    Awww I love that picture of Zoey! Great layering! Yeah I don’t know anything about it HAHA! I have this huge manuel that my husband got for me to read and learn more with it, but I can’t just sit and read something like that! HAHA! I’m slowly learning and sucking it up and reading it, sometimes. But I think it looks great and I can’t wait to see more of what you can do!



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