Santa Catalina Island Nature Conservancy public art

Public art that I actually understood

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Out & About San Diego


Back in March when I went to Santa Catalina Island for my birthday, one of my goals was to visit the Nature Conservancy, which I did. At the entrance to the patch leading to the Nature Conservancy were these four pieces of public art:

Santa Catalina Island Nature Conservancy public art


Santa Catalina Island Nature Conservancy public art


Santa Catalina Island Nature Conservancy public art


Santa Catalina Island Nature Conservancy public art


There was also a smaller piece of public art, but I don’t think it was part of the official collection:

Santa Catalina Island Nature Conservancy public art


I’m thinking that it might be a small memorial to the person who created that small collection.

I have difficulty understanding about 50% of the public art I see, but I understood Flower, People, Wildlife, Flower, and Memorial for 100% that day!


This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

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5 thoughts on “Public art that I actually understood

  1. avian101

    Russ have you paid good attention the first four sculptures? They have something unique on them! Hebrew letters! In fact I can tell you that #3 have been damaged on the top left side, seems like the welding broke. Now is up to you to investigate… Elementary Dr Russ! 🙂


      1. avian101

        # 1 = G in black
        # 2 = T painted in black on yellow
        # 3 = S the shape made in green missing one part on left-top
        # 4 = V purplish or sky blue shape standing tall
        They are hebrew letters of the alphabet



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