Free expression zone

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around….

I livew in my own little world

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

….does it make a sound?

What if a public event has a “free expression zone” for protestors but there are no protestors, do you hear a message?

Free expression zone

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

That was at the entrance to the San Diego County Fair, and with 1.5 million people expected to attend this year, you would think at least one protestor free expressor would be in the protest zone free expression zone protesting expressing something, like maybe aliens at the Fair, or pornography at the Fair, or…. or…. or…. So many things to express. Maybe they were abducted by those aliens?

I'm Zoey the Cool Cat, and I approve this post

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

20 thoughts on “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around….

  1. artzent

    I never cease to marvel at the human ego! The making of a sound does not depend on a human being there; the sound is going to be there human ears or not! it’s human ego that says you cannot make a sound without me, me, me!


  2. seapunk2

    If I saw this opportunity, I know I would take it. I’d sing or dance or just clown around. Actually, I do these things anyway, so I’m not sure anything would change, except maybe the perception of those that hear or watch… 🙂


  3. Waldo "Wally" Tomosky

    It is obvious (and proven by your photo – – – sans free speakers – – -) that they had already been taken by the aliens (sans papers). I know that last parenthetical was politically incorrect (which also makes arzent’s comment on human ego very valid – – – my ego overrode my sense of decorum and I wanted everyone to know how clever I was). Excuse me for a moment, I am getting a set of voices on my other mind.


  4. i mayfly

    I wonder if they have copyrighted their Free Expression Zone idea? And I love that they want to corral the “Expressive” ones among us, but they’re also concerned about their comfort…with an umbrella for shade. It reminds me of a playpen…to keep the expressive in or the non-expressive out? I am now mentally scratching my head.

    Thank you for this wonderfully expressive photo 😉


    1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

      I’ve been here in California for 18 years, and I’m still scratching my head………

      I don’t know the full extent of the laws, but apparently whenever the public is allowed, even if by admission fee, protestors must be allowed, too, and in a reasonable place where their message can be seen or heard. Comfort, i.e., protection for the hot sun, restrooms, etc., must also be provided. It’s a wacky world we live in, especially here in California.


  5. Gina's Professions for PEACE

    Hilarious. And more than a bit bizarre. Love the witty comments through this as well. I can’t seem to be witty, am busy scratching my head…


  6. Todd Materazzi Photography

    This is a great photograph, perhaps to express to everyone that our situation can always be worse than it really is? 🙂



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