Eat like you mean it

Eat like you mean it

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Eat like you mean it

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I saw that dog on the street corner with no one around.

I had to take the picture between cars zooming by in the right turn lane.

The drink cups, the “Eat like you mean it” cup, the poor dog’s injured paw, the dog’s ears flying in the direction the cars were going….

It touched my heart with Thanksgiving just a couple of days away.

Added to this post one hour after original posting: I had to go back by that corner 35 minutes later and saw that the dog is not alone. There are three ladies with it. The ladies are painting the utility box on the corner. I’ll have to go back by late today or sometime tomorrow to see how they painted the utility box.

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

23 thoughts on “Eat like you mean it

  1. Pit

    Hi Russel,
    A picture/sight like this surely touches one’s heart. The dog, with its collar and the bandaged paw and its overall appearance looks as if it’s taken good care of, though.
    I’ve seen dogs in the German streets, used by homeless people to appeal to the sympathy of passers-by, that look much worse and I assume that some of them are not nicely-treated companions but just a means to get money more easily.
    Take care, and Happy Thanksgiving,


  2. Corinne Shields

    Hi Russell

    I hope there was a happy ending to this story, but as one of your commentators remarked, the dog looks cared for with the bandaged paw etc. I have a lovely Cavalier King Charles, Charlie who is much loved and I can’t bear to see animals, particularly dogs, looking lost and lonely. They love company don’t they. We have always had a dog in the home. To me they make a home. Give so much, demand so little, unconditional love at its most unconditional.

    Happy Thanksgiving when it comes. When is it by the way? I know I should know but we don’t have Thanksgiving here in the UK. Shame really. Would do us alot of good to start counting our blessings.



  3. firstandfabulous

    He did have a leash. Was he tied to something? He’s gorgeous and regal. I can’t wait to see the paint pix. Maybe they’re already in my in box.. I’m checking now. Eat like you mean it and Happy Thanksgiving.


  4. seapunk2

    There are lots of homeless people where I live in Northern California. Many of them have dogs and there is one cool guy who carries a cat on his backpack as well as his little black dog on his leash. We generally carry pet food with us, for the homeless folks’ pets. Animals have to eat, too.



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