Zoey the Cool Cat stretching

A good stretch makes everything okay


Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Today I’m meeting a blogging friend that I’ve known since I started blogging back in 2008. She and her husband, Liz and Bryan, are flying in from Houston. They have asked if the best San Diego docent (that’s me!) can give them a private tour. Apparently the Zoo and the Botanic Garden are on their minds. My private tours are very competitive with other tour operators. In most cases, all you have to do is give me 24-hours notice of what day you want your tour and then call me when you actually arrive. Simple, really.

While I’m waiting on their call, I’m cataloging pictures and videos. Here is a picture of Zoey the Cool Cat laying out a good stretch:

Zoey the Cool Cat stretching

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Did you see her open eye between her legs, keeping watch on exactly what I’m doing?

Once she wakes up and decides to go outside her new paper sack, she spends the majority of the day stalking birds from the desktop. I have had to move my computer monitor over to the right about six inches so she has a corner spot from which best to stalk the birds. Here’s a flash video of her hoping this will be the time when she finally gets one of those mourning doves:

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Yesterday on my walk home from the auto shop, I saw a homeless person with a beautiful dog. She saw me staring at the dog while holding this big camera in my hand and asked me if I wanted to take a picture. I said yes:

Golden labrador retriever

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I gave her $5 for the picture and talked with her for about 15 minutes. Mr. Dog (his name, not just something I made up) is a golden labrador retriever rescued a few months ago on what was supposed to have been his last day at the animal shelter. He was to be put to rest at closing time that evening because he hadn’t been adopted. He’s an older dog, obviously a big dog, and for some reason older big dogs don’t get adopted as often as the cute little puppies. Isn’t he just adorable though? Look at those big eyes just happy as can be that he has a chance to live out his life with someone who adores him.

Lastly, as I got to the driveway to my place, a beautiful black and white cat was staring at me from under a neighbor’s shrub:

Beautiful feral cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

She’s a feral cat that one of my neighbors is feeding and trying to adopt. I think she’s on her way to success with this little one because kitty is always hanging out at my neighbor’s house, usually under this shrub or under the car. I do worry about the under the car part. I think she looks sad in the picture, but maybe she’s just frightened of 6’4″ me pointing my big ol’ camera at her.

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I’m Zoey the Cool cat,
and I approve this post.Zoey the Cool Cat

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

12 thoughts on “A good stretch makes everything okay

  1. stregajewellry

    Zooey is a bad influence, prompting me to lie down and stretch out while keeping an eye on my cat. Well, it’s a rainy night in Ohio and Zooey’s influence isn’t the only thing urging me to loaf around.
    What a lucky lab……..so beautiful.

    And how nice you are getting to meet your blogger friends and give them the tour!


  2. firstandfabulous

    I had a dog named Jaek (yes ‘ae’) that looked like Mr. Dog. *tear* I’m glad Mr. Dog has someone to love him.
    Zoey rules (the roost). 🙂
    That’s very kind of you to show your blogger friends around. My husband and I went to Disney with a dear friend and his partner years ago. They had been there 6 times. The best way to travel and tour – with people that know the ropes. Your get more in that way and you see things others don’t always get to see. Fun!


  3. Boomdeeadda

    I’m so happy Mr Dog has found love. We adopted Buddy when he was 7 and had him until he got sick at 15. We loved him so much and never had a moments regret. Look at that face 😀 Beautiful



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