Zoey the Cool Cat

Zoey the Symmetrical Cool Cat

Picture of the Moment

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

Zoey the Cool Cat came into our household on September 20, 2007. Since then I have taken a few billion pictures of the little princess.

I continue taking pictures because she continues to find new ways to entertain me in how she makes herself at home rules her home and twists and turns her little catbody.

Yesterday she was being a bad kitty, meaning that she was going places where she knows she is not allowed, such as up on the piano, on the expensive leather couch, or on top of the refrigerator. She’s actually allowed on top of the refrigerator if she can figure out a way to get up there without an initial stop on the kitchen counter on the way up and a last stop on the same kitchen counter on the way down!

Since she was being so bad, Jim put her on the sofa in the bedroom, which she happily made hers for the rest of the day. I got a great picture of her exhibiting her own symmetry within the symmetry of the sofa:

Zoey the Cool Cat

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

I think Zoey the Cool Cat’s misbehavior is simply her way of asking for attention, and once she gets it, she’s a happy cat.

Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

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Pictures copyright 2012 Russel Ray Photos

22 thoughts on “Zoey the Symmetrical Cool Cat

  1. meandtheboss2013

    Charo, our coochy choochie girl could be Zoey’s twin sister…a rescued cat that came into our home in 2007. Also, the attitudes are too much alike, always seeking attention etc…
    Appreciate you blog…keep up the photos…I have enjoyed the San Diego and SC tours.
    ME and the Boss


  2. stunnedandstunted

    My cat loves jumping up onto the fridge and then on top of my kitchen cabinets. I hate when she stops off on the bench on her way up or down too. If I see her making her way back up to the fridge or making her way back down, I usually lift her to avoid the bench.


        1. Russel Ray Photos Post author

          Ha! “Clever” doesn’t begin to describe this devious little cat. She specializes in guilt trips, even worse than Rhoda’s mom on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” or Marie on “Everybody Loves Raymond.”


  3. wannabephotographer87

    So sweet, I love that kitty so much 🙂 I just posted a blog a few days ago, my oldest kitty of 12 years had cancer and had to be put to rest. It’s amazing how much these little cats mean to us. He was my baby boy and in the last couple of years he’s been my model in my photos haha. I’m thankful for my canon because if I didn’t have it I wouldn’t have taken as many pictures of him as I have. Thank you for sharing all the amazing Zoey pictures, she always makes me smile 🙂


  4. ivansblogworld

    Great post. How entertaining are our fury children. We have two one is 13 and the monster is 2. Her latest quest is to keep us wake when we try to sleep at night. Can’t help but laugh at her, but when you awoken at 2am with her biting your feet, not so cute.. Great photo Ivan


      1. ivansblogworld

        Sweet, our our Bella thinks she is a puppy and follow us around. William keeps telling me I have created a monster as I never disciplined her. She is like me a real brat, but then that’s what everybody like about me NOT.. Ivan


  5. lolarugula

    Cats are such entertaining creatures, aren’t they? I used to despise them and then one adopted me. I’ve been hooked ever since. What a wonderful photo – she’s a beautiful girl!


  6. Mags Corner

    Now we just don’t believe sweet Zoey could ever be bad. That is a fantastic picture! Hugs and give sweet Zoey some nose kisses for us!



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