Thar she blows!

Picture of the Moment

My rental Tamron 150-600 mm lens had to be returned by 2:00 p.m. today so I had to determine some place to go to get some really good pictures on this last day. Man did I get lucky.

I took off to La Jolla Cove where the wildlife includes squirrels, pigeons, cormorants, pelicans, seals & sea lions and their little ones (pupping season ends May 15), and, sometimes, unleashed dogs.

Once the fog burned off around 9:00 a.m. it became a really really special day. There was a pod of at least seven adults and one baby whale putting on a show for us by swimming up and down the coast, breaching, blowing, and just showing off.

By the time I left at 11:30 a.m., word had spread throughout the area about what was going on at the Cove with this pod.

Following is one of my best whale pictures from this morning. I’m pretty sure this is a California Gray Whale. Generally, whale watching season is mid-December through April but since we have both the Gray Whales and the Blue Whales migrating to and fro, it’s possible to see them mid-December into September.

Gray whale at La Jolla Cove, California

This post approved by Zoey the Cool Cat

3 thoughts on “Thar she blows!

  1. Pingback: Review: Tamron 150-600mm G2 lens | Russel Ray Photos

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